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Is the real Jay Garrick related to Barry Allen?

Is the real Jay Garrick related to Barry Allen?

In the comics they aren’t blood related at all. One could say it’s mere coincidence that Barry and Jay use the same codename in most of the continuity because in the only one where Jay existed before Barry on the same world, Barry never met Jay before assuming the mantle of the Flash.

What earth is reverse flash from?

There might have been another version of Eobard who originated on Earth-X, but the fact that this Thawne is wearing Wells’ face and his signature Reverse-Flash yellow costume show that his hatred for Earth-1 runs deeper than the rest of his colleagues’.

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Is there an Earth 3 in The Flash?

Earth 3 is one of The 52 known multiple versions of The Universe that exist in The Multiverse. It exists in the same physical space but it’s uniqueness is separates it from other known Earths with The Multiverse. Earth 3 is home to many Metahumans and one of the Metahumans is The Flash.

Is Black Flash faster than flash?

Essentially the Grim Reaper of the Speed Force, the Black Flash appears only as a speedster dies. After taking Linda Park into the Speed Force, the Black Flash chased the third, and fastest, Flash (Wally West) several million years into the future.

Who is the man in the mask in Flash?

HENRY ALLEN In a previous episode, Henry revealed to Barry that “Garrick” is a family name on his (Henry’s) mother’s side. So a lot of fans are expecting or hoping that the Earth-2 Jay, when the real Jay is revealed, it will be Shipp, whose Earth-1 version of Henry Allen was killed at the end of last week’s episode.

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What destroyed Earth-3?

Earth-Three is destroyed by waves of antimatter in the opening scenes of the series. The sole survivor is the son of Alexander and Lois Lane Luthor, Alexander Luthor, Jr. At the conclusion of the series, all other worlds in the Multiverse were merged.

Who was the real flash on Earth-2?

Jay Garrick
Jay Garrick is a speedster and a member of the Wonders of the World on Earth 2 as The Flash.

WHO IS Zoom prisoner?

Tonight, Barry Allen — the current version, played by Grant Gustin — was still mourning the death of his father when it was revealed that Jay Garrick was the prisoner being held by the evil Zoom on Earth-2. He’s played by Shipp, giving the new series yet another special meta-twist.

What is Earth-3 on ‘the Flash’?

Home to the older Jay Garrick Flash, Earth-3 is pretty similar to Earth-1 with a few exceptions — though it’s mostly just an affinity for zeppelins and Tommy guns. Zoom terrorized this Earth and kidnapped its Flash sometime between The Flash Season 1 and 2. After Barry freed Jay Garrick at the end of Season 2, Garrick resumed protecting Earth-3.

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How did the Flash get the name The Flash?

The name was coined by Jay Garrick, the Flash of Earth-3. Similar to Earth-2, Earth-3 had various features that were anachronistic compared to Earth-1, such as the popularity of zeppelins and the Tommy gun.

How did Team Flash defeat Earth 2?

However, Team Flash was able to defeat most of the Earth-2 meta-humans using a frequency pulse that would only harm those from Earth-2, although Zoom was able to return to Earth-2 before suffering from the pulse’s effects. Later, Cisco vibed the future event of Earth-2 splitting in half.

Who is the fastest character in the Flash?

The Flash – Barry Allen (Earth-1) Barry Allen himself is the first, the best, and undoubtedly the fastest. He has an intimate connection to the Speed Force, created when he was struck by dark matter lightning.