
Is being single addictive?

Is being single addictive?

Despite societal pressures, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with being a single woman. But, research shows that for some, it can become an addiction, which may rob you of a chance for future romance.

What happens when you’ve been alone too long?

Over time, higher cortisol levels can lead to inflammation, excess weight gain, insulin resistance, problems concentrating, and more. If left unchecked, these chronic loneliness symptoms can put you at greater risk for more serious medical and emotional problems, including: Depression. Sleep disorders.

Do addictions last a lifetime?

It depends on which model of addiction and recovery you subscribe to. If you are a traditionalist who believes that addictions last a lifetime, that people readily substitute addictions, and that people have ingrained “addictive personalities,” the answer is: absolutely not. This would be playing with fire.

Do you live a double life with addiction?

Most people with addiction struggle with a double life. You try to keep your addiction hidden from most people, most of the time, even when it is quite obvious to those around you.

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Why do you have a hard time admitting you have an addiction?

You have a hard time admitting to yourself that you are a person with addiction because no matter how fleeting, it gives you that brief moment when everything feels okay. You want to free yourself from your addiction and not end up back where you started, with all the losses you have built up while you have been struggling.

How can I recover from a relationship addiction?

Recovery from any addiction, including a relationship addiction, is hard but worthwhile work. You can do this through perseverance, hope, self-discovery, and grace. The best way to accomplish any long-term goal is to do it one step and one day at a time. Don’t scare yourself by thinking beyond today.