
How Stannis Baratheon crossed the wall?

How Stannis Baratheon crossed the wall?

Stannis has a fleet of ships. He boarded them all and disembarked North of the wall with his army. Shown with red is the shortest route Stannis could have taken.

Why did Stannis go to Castle Black?

It also gave him access to valuable resources which he badly needed, especially more men. Melisandre who also directed Stannis’ thoughts and actions so she would’ve also persuaded him that he needed to go to Castle Black to defend it against the God of Night and Terror.

How many men did Stannis take to the wall?

Numbers. Stannis attacked King’s Landing with approximately 21,000 men, most of them from the Stormlands, and some from the Reach and the Crownlands.

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Does Castle Black fall to the wildlings?

Seeing his men being massacred in a one-sided fight, Mance gives the order to stand down, officially ending the wildlings’ siege of Castle Black.

How did Stannis Baratheon become king?

He landed his men at Eastwatch-by-the-Sea and rode them north of the Wall. Using the same maneuver that the Tyrell-Lannister force used against him to win the Battle of the Blackwater, Stannis laid claim to his right to be king by defending the realm against the Wildlings, aka Free Folk.

Why did Stannis Baratheon send the Raven to the Night’s Watch?

FYI, the Night’s Watch send the raven to all kings for help and Stannis is the one who do the favor. Why – He just had an army, in fact, small army since his main troops were annihilated by Tyrion and Tywin in Battle of the Blackwater.

Why didn’t Mance go to Eastwatch to defeat Stannis?

Stannis landed his ships at Eastwatch-by-the-sea, and took a significant portion of the garrison north of the wall from there to hit Mance’s army in the flank. The reason that Mance didn’t go to Eastwatch is the logistical difficulty of moving that many men an extra couple hundred miles.

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Why did Stannis attack the wildlings in the first place?

As in the book, I think the show shows pretty clearly that Stannis’ forces attacked the wildlings in response to a letter he received from the Wall requesting aid to repel the impending wildling invasion. You may recall Shireen teaching Davos to read.