Tips and tricks

Should I get married if Ketu is in the 7th house?

Should I get married if Ketu is in the 7th house?

When Ketu is in 7th house, it gives rise to worry and trouble in terms of a partner. Though they are very good on the monetary part, their marital life is not so good. Loads of hurdles are there in the path of marriage. They are very committed and hard working.

What happens when Rahu transits the 7th house?

According to Vedic beliefs, if the Rahu is placed in the 7th House, it is generally considered to be adverse and inauspicious. Obstacles, hardships in life and an inability to find a suitable life partner are also caused by this placement of Rahu, even if other planets are reducing the negative effect of Rahu.

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Can Ketu give good marriage?

Ketu is the planet of detached and disinterested in materialistic world if Ketu comes in 7th house the person is not interested in marriage unless Jupiter or Venus aspect the Ketu. In general, retrograde, combust and debilitated planets in 7th house can cause delays in the marriage.

Does Ketu delay marriage?

What happens when Rahu transit over Natal Ketu?

Rahu is not a match for Ketu. These are intense opposite energies – and so whenever they transit over each other – they make sure that the opposite party and the matters it signify is totally ‘damaged’ or ‘nullified’!

What if Ketu and Rahu move into 9th and 3rd house?

Rahu and Ketu will move into your 9th and 3rd house during the 2019 transit. This transit doesn’t seem favorable for you as it shows the likelihood of monetary losses. Travelling should be avoided in this period.

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What is the effect of Rahu and Ketu on marriage?

Rahu and Ketu are known for their counterproductive results on married life. According to Vedic astrology and its narratives, these two are malefic planets. However, like every planet they also move on the celestial trajectory in the forward direction, they produce counter results.

What is the Rahu Ketu Transit 2020 to 2022?

Rahu Ketu transit 2020 to 2022 predictions for Mithuna Rashi Rahu – Ketu will transit your 12th and 6th house. Rahu in 12th will increase your expenses, you will be spending money on unnecessary things which will burn a hole in your pocket. This transit of rahu is very good to give you foreign travels for both work and leisure.

Is it good to have Ketu in 12th house for marriage?

Ketu in 12th house from natal Moon is not a positive placement for married life. You might encounter some issues with spouse during this time. Expenditure also increases. However, this transit proves good for spiritual development. There is however a possibility of humiliation and defame too.