Tips and tricks

What can you do to make a person suffer?

What can you do to make a person suffer?

If someone chooses to give up suffering, there’s simply nothing you can do to make him suffer. Even physical violence can’t create suffering in a person who has transcended suffering. Early symptoms of spinal muscular atrophy may surprise you. Signs of spinal muscular atrophy can be easily ignored.

Can you do anything in this world if you take the consequences?

For every life and every act consequence of good and evil can be shown and as in time results of many deeds are blended so good and evil in the end become confounded. — T.S. Eliot. You can do anything in this world if you are prepared to take the consequences. — W.

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How can I get my child to stop misbehaving?

Use negative consequences for behaviors you would like your child to stop. It’s a good idea to start with ignoring and distraction, especially for young children. Other consequences may be needed if ignoring and distraction don’t work or are not possible. Delay or removal of privileges, and time-out can be used to stop misbehavior.

Do people need to suffer the consequences of their bad behavior?

Sometimes people need to suffer the consequences of their bad behavior, bad decision making and bad planning. People need to be responsible for themselves. They can do it. They. Just. Don’t. Want. To. Wow. What a radical concept. Greg Smith is a psychiatrist who blogs at gregsmithmd.

How can we stop our own suffering?

We can stop our own suffering by understanding the root of what causes us to suffer and then taking action, whether it’s shifting our inner dialogue or doing things differently. I’ve noticed some common reasons why we suffer. When you know what the cause is, you’ll discover that you can change suffering into awareness and find peace and happiness.

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Why do people give up suffering?

Suffering occurs when you have unmet expectations, when you set a standard for performance and fail to meet it, or when you can’t accept the truth of the world. Those are things you can’t force on someone else. If someone chooses to give up suffering, there’s simply nothing you can do to make him suffer.

Why do we turn to things outside of ourselves when we suffer?

When we suffer, we often turn to substances or sometimes to other people. In other words, we turn to things outside of ourselves to try to turn off the suffering. I once gave a talk to a group of people about suffering, and a woman came up to me later and said, “You’re exactly right, Dr. Puff.