Tips and tricks

How many Starfighters could Venator carry?

How many Starfighters could Venator carry?

Its hangars were far larger than those on other Star Destroyers like the Victory-class. Prior to the formation of the Galactic Empire, a typical Republic Venator carried a complement of 420 fighters: 192 V-wing or V-19 Torrent starfighters, 192 Eta-2 Actis-class interceptors, and at least 36 ARC-170 starfighters.

How do Star Wars ships hover?

Repulsorlift was a technology that allowed a craft to hover or even fly over a planet’s surface by pushing against its gravity, producing thrust. Repulsorlift engines or “antigravs” created fields of negative gravity called ‘repulsor fields’ which pushed against a planet’s natural gravitational field.

Why are Star Destroyers triangular?

All of that aside, why do Destroyers—and now Dreadnoughts—have to look like a piece of pizza? This shape would make sense if you’re parting air in front of an aircraft. The delta wing shape is essentially a triangle, and that helps keep the aircraft stable at high speeds.

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Why is the Star Destroyer so big?

Larger and longer turbolasers equals more powerful plasma bolts. Hence, larger and larger Star Destroyers.

Are Star Destroyers battleships?

During the Clone Wars and Galactic Civil War, ships such as the Venator-class, Victory-class and Imperial-class Star Destroyers could be referred to as either “battleships” or “peacekeeping battleships”.

What happened to the Venator-class Star Destroyer?

Following Order 66 and the rise of the Galactic Empire, Venator -class Star Destroyers remained in service to the Imperial Navy during the early days of the Imperial Era. Ultimately, though, the Venator -class was decommissioned and replaced by the Imperial -class Star Destroyer, a larger warship that was modeled on its Republic predecessor.

How much does a Star Destroyer cost?

The Venator -class Star Destroyer cost 59,000,000 credits and was manufactured by Kuat Drive Yards for the naval operations of the Galactic Republic in the Clone Wars. Spanning between 1,137 and 1,155.0 meters in length, the Venator was defended by powerful deflector shields and hull armor plating, while possessing an assortment of armaments.

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What kind of weapons does a Star Destroyer have?

As a capable warship, the Venator -class Star Destroyer boasted a myriad of weapons. On the dorsal side, eight double-barrelled DBY-827 heavy turbolaser turrets, four on either side of the bridge area, were the Star Destroyer’s main weapons.

How many bridges does a Star Destroyer have?

Venator -class Star Destroyers featured two bridges, with the starboard bridge serving as the primary command center of the ship and the port bridge being dedicated to starfighter operations. These bridges were raised from the main body of the destroyer and provided a wide, panoramic view of the battle.