
Why do I keep thinking about my ex and his new girlfriend?

Why do I keep thinking about my ex and his new girlfriend?

Oftentimes, people obsess over their ex’s new relationship because it sparks feelings of insecurity or inadequacy. Instead of dealing with what’s missing in your own life, you transfer all those feelings onto their relationship, blaming the fact that they moved on for the way you feel.

Can you date someone and still love your ex?

It’s totally possible to be in love with your current boo and still love your ex. Healing from heartbreak takes a lot of time, and holding space for people in your past doesn’t mean you can’t move forward. The heart can love a lot of people in a lot of different ways, but being open and honest is always the way to go.

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Why does my ex boyfriend have a new girlfriend?

As the relationship continues there are fights that happen that are coming from each other insecurities, and the couple cannot let it go. So, the relationship becomes a chore for him. He feels like he has no sense of independence and decides to move on which you then find your ex has a new girlfriend.

Is it normal to think about your ex all the time?

While looking back on old memories is natural, constantly thinking about your ex — even if you hate them — can be a sign that you’re not over them or the relationship, says April Masini, a New York-based relationship expert and author. After all, the opposite of love isn’t hate: It’s indifference.

Does my ex ever forget me if he has a new partner?

My answer most of the time is no! Just because your ex has a new partner does not mean that he has forgotten you. You shared so many memories in each other’s lives and were a part of each other’s growth for months or years. When you get out of a relationship, your ex may be in a rebound depending on the reason for the breakup.

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Will my ex boyfriend unblock my new girlfriend after a breakup?

Typically, if your ex and new girlfriend have an argument or something goes wrong, this will be the time he unblocks you or maybe even reaches out. If he went into this relationship as a rebound, this is more likely to happen right away. Also, most importantly you are looking at the breakup through a new lens as a learning opportunity.