
Why do apps need access to photos and media files?

Why do apps need access to photos and media files?

Every android app needs to declare what resources it accesses for its operations that’s where permissions come into picture. Apps usually request Media and Photos permission when it needs External File Storage (either Internal or External) for storing some data, or for some features like sharing images etc.

What does it mean allow contacts to access photos media and files on your device?

As the name suggests, permissions govern what an app is allowed to do and access. This ranges from reading the data stored on your phone, such as contacts and media files, through to using hardware including your handset’s camera or microphone. Granting permission allows the app to use the feature.

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Is it safe to allow apps to access photos?

Usually, there will be nothing to worry about as apps will purely just use the camera when you request them too. But AVG , a security software company, say a malicious app can secretly turn on your camera and record what’s going on around you.

Why do apps want access to my contacts?

They are also a gateway to a massive amount of our personal data. Both Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android systems have evolved to contain very robust data permission regimes and, in general, apps ask your permission to access your data because they need it for one function or another.

What does it mean when an app wants access to your photos?

An app may request access to your photos if the app supports photo uploads. For example, when installing the Google Drive app, it will ask for photo access. This is because the app supports photo storage and will grab you photos for storing. This is an example of a safe and legitimate photo access request.

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Why do apps want access to your contacts?

When an app asks for access to your photos?

This is normally for perfectly sensible reasons: a photo-editing app needs access to your photos, or a voice recorder needs access to the microphone. Sometimes an app may want access to more personal information because it is trying to gather data that could then be used for marketing.

Why do some apps ask for media and photos permissions?

Apps usually request Media and Photos permission when it needs External File Storage (either Internal or External) for storing some data, or for some features like sharing images etc. Hiring CS majors for internships and entry-level roles. Get matched with your dream job. Start interviewing for jobs and internships with top companies.

What are permissions in Android apps?

Every android app needs to declare what resources it accesses for its operations that’s where permissions come into picture. Apps usually request Media and Photos permission when it needs External File Storage (either Internal or External) for storing some data, or for some features like sharing images etc.

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How do apps read your photos on Android?

When you give access to an app to photos (either through the prompt that comes when the app tries to access photos or through Settings > Privacy > Photos), the app gets access to write new photos/images to your Camera Roll and to read all your photos on the device in an unencrypted form.

Is it possible to upload images to the gallery from app?

Man, there are some bad answers in this thread. The actual answer is actually NO. You can give an app permission to use read and write to your Gallery. But the ability to upload that image to somewhere OFF your device is a completely different permission. You need to give permission to the app to send data from your device without user interaction.