
Why is my guinea pig hiding in the corner?

Why is my guinea pig hiding in the corner?

When your guinea pig is hunched up in a corner, looking sad and depressed, something is probably bothering it. NOTE: Because of their natural instinct, guinea pigs can hide their illness. In the wild, it is a survival mechanism against predators picking out an easy target.

How do I get my guinea pig to come out of hiding?

Your guinea pig may take a few minutes to come to you but most guinea pigs eventually will be won over by the food. If your guinea pig is very skittish and is hiding, place the food outside his hiding place and wait for him to come out. You can talk to him while he eats his treats but do not attempt to pet him.

How do you calm down a scared guinea pig?

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To keep your guinea pig calm:

  1. Choose appropriate cage size for how many guinea pigs you have.
  2. Make sure they have a few places to hide.
  3. Introduce new things into their cage slowly.
  4. Minimize loud noises.
  5. Try not to make sudden movements.
  6. Speak to them calmly when handling.
  7. Don’t bother them when they’re anxious.

Is it normal for guinea pigs to hide?

It’s typical to think that your guinea pigs aren’t happy if they freeze or spend long periods of time hiding when they first arrive. This is normal guinea pig behaviour and it will take a few weeks or months for it to settle down. It’s normal for piggies to hide for the first few days or weeks.

Do guinea pigs like blankets?

Add blankets and towels. Blankets give your guinea pigs something to snuggle up under, which helps them better maintain their body heat. Any blanket will do, though smaller is probably better. A small fleece blanket is a great option. You can also cut up old towels to use.

Why is my guinea pig so scared of me?

The main reason your guinea pig is always scared is that they are prey animals. The good news is that over time they will become less scared as they get more used to you and their environment. So if you have a scared guinea pig, don’t let it bother you too much.

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Does music calm guinea pigs?

However, many guinea pig owners find that playing certain types of music around their pet can have a calming effect. Soft and calming music can have a positive effect on your guinea pig. Being around your guinea pig, and even just talking to them, can make your pet feel calm and safe.

Why is my guinea pig hiding all the time?

One of the easiest ways to know that something’s not quite right with your guinea pig is when it’s hiding all the time. Guinea pigs enjoy playing hide and seek, but there’s no valid reason for them to stay hidden all the time. Unless, of course, if it’s afraid of something and feels that it should be hiding.

Do guinea pigs move around when they are scared?

A guinea pig that doesn’t feel scared won’t want to just stay still, they love to move around. So if you find that your guinea pig isn’t moving as much or unusually quiet, then there might be some problem. Naturally, scared guinea pigs restrict their movement when they feel they’ve made it to safety.

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Should I Be Nice to my guinea pigs?

Whenever you notice that they’re uncomfortable or scared, avoid forcing them to do anything. Instead, allow them to react whichever way is natural for them. You should always try to be nice to your guinea pigs even if they make you frustrated by being so scared and unpredictable all of the time.

How do I Stop my guinea pig from scaring me?

The first thing you need to do is to determine what’s scaring your guinea pig in the first place. There could be lots of reasons or there could be just one, what’s important is that you get to the bottom of it. The best way to go about this is to think back to the time you first noticed your pet exhibiting scared guinea pig behaviors.