
Why did Strange give Time Stone to Thanos?

Why did Strange give Time Stone to Thanos?

Strange saw the 14,000,605 outcomes of their conflict to Thanos and he only saw 1 possible end that they won. Maybe, just maybe, in that winning moment, he saw that Tony Start is alive. So to fulfill that destiny, he gave the stone to Thanos in exchange of Stark’s life.

Why did Dr Strange give up the Time Stone endgame?

According to the theory, Strange chose to save Tony’s life instead of safeguarding the stone because he’s vital to the “endgame” that Strange saw. It’s believed that the billionaire will help Scott Lang aka Ant-Man figure out how time travel can work by using the Quantum Realm.

Why does the ancient one give the stone to Hulk?

It’s the duty of the Sorcerer Supreme to protect the Time Stone.” The Ancient One is then shocked realizing that Strange would only have given up the stone to Thanos for a good reason, the Ancient One decided to trust in her future successor, handing over the Time Stone to Hulk. …

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Why does Dr Strange save Iron Man?

Ever wondered why Doctor Strange sacrificed himself to save Iron Man at the end of Avengers: Infinity War? The theory, posted on Reddit, suggests that Strange saw the future and realised that the surviving Avengers would be enough to reverse the effects of the Decimation.

How did Thanos take the stones off Stark’s glove?

Stark makes a go for Thanos’ glove, but instead of trying to take the glove, he takes the stones off it. By the time Thanos realizes, it’s too late, and Tony has lodged the stones into his suit to absorb their power.

When does Thanos put on the Infinity Gauntlet?

The first glimpse MCU fans get of Thanos putting on the Infinity Gauntlet is during a post-credit scene in Avengers: Age of Ultron. Now combine that knowledge with Eitri’s question to Thor in Avengers: Infinity War, “Asgard was supposed to protect us.”

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Why did Doctor Strange give up the time stone in Infinity War?

Doctor Strange Gave up The Time Stone In Infinity War. After both Iron Man and Doctor Strange went one-on-one with Thanos and lost, Strange makes a left-field move and gives up the Time Stone. He just hands the Infinity Gauntlet-wielding Titan the green gem, which Strange had sworn to protect as part of becoming a sorcerer,…

Why did Doctor Strange give Thanos the green gem?

He just hands the Infinity Gauntlet-wielding Titan the green gem, which Strange had sworn to protect as part of becoming a sorcerer, essentially guaranteeing Thanos’ success.