
What happens if Ketu is in 2nd house and Rahu in 8th house?

What happens if Ketu is in 2nd house and Rahu in 8th house?

Rahu placed in the 8th house (Ketu in the 2nd house). You will feel dissociated from your family, its resources, the family history etc. You might neglect the affairs of the second or handle them in a typically vague/disinterested manner or perhaps your birth family refuses to give you your share in the family wealth.

What are the negative effects of Rahu and Ketu placement in astrology?

So always first analyse this other planet and then the Rahu or Ketu. The negative effects of this placement can somewhat reduced if the ascendant sign/lord is highly powerful and capable of giving good results. Rahu placed in the 8th house (Ketu in the 2nd house). You will feel dissociated from your family, its resources, the family history etc.

What is the effect of Rahu and Ketu in 2nd and 8th house?

Analysing Rahu and Ketu in this 2nd and 8th house axis can be quite challenging so take your time over it. If the Rahu/Ketu axis gets malefic influences or are debilitated, then there will be a reversal of fortune, situation can go from good to bad very fast. These two are eternally different, the desire to experience vs the apathy to experience.

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What happens when Rahu is in the 8th house in astrology?

Ketu placed in the 8th house (Rahu in the 2ndhouse). This is again a very sensitive placement. If there are benefic planets like Jupiter or Venus helping out this will work well else there will be problems. You develop ambitions about increasing your wealth and assets and maintaining them for your use.

What happens if Ketu is in 2nd house in Vedic astrology?

In the second house, the Ketu is not fortunate for money matters, the second house being the indicator of accumulated wealth. It is harmful to the native; or, more strictly speaking, his enterprises will be upset by circumstances over which he will have no control. This position may cause bankruptcy.