
Why do the Avengers need the Quantum Tunnel?

Why do the Avengers need the Quantum Tunnel?

Sixth Tunnel A sixth and final Quantum Tunnel was built so that Steve Rogers could return all the Infinity Stones and Mjølnir to their respective alternate timelines in order to prevent catastrophic changes to those timelines’ future.

How did Thanos get to the future without Pym particles?

Instead of having to duplicate Pym Particles, all Thanos had to do was duplicate the time GPS so Nebula had a signal to lock on to (since presumably she needed hers to return to 2023). Or, since she knew where the ship was, just pull it forward manually.

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How is cap worthy of Mjolnir?

While Captain America shifted Mjolnir slightly in Age of Ultron, he was not yet the “tip of the spear” for this kind of conflict, while facing Thanos crossed this line and elevated him to full worthiness.

What movie does Ant-Man get stuck in the Quantum Realm?

Ant-Man & The Wasp ends with Scott stuck in the Quantum Realm, but how long was he there before being released by a rat in Avengers: Endgame? They literally say it was 5 hours for him in the film.

How did Hulk change in Endgame?

After a decade of portraying Hulk as a mostly mindless, rage-filled monster, Avengers: Endgame changed the character in a dramatic way. Bruce Banner’s brain and Hulk’s brawn were combined together to create Smart Hulk.

What is the future of the Hulk in the MCU?

His arc concluded in Avengers: Endgame. The Hulk has no substantial future in the MCU following Avengers: Endgame. The fourth Avengers film acted as a sendoff for the original 6 team members; those who were not killed off retired on their own terms.

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Why did Hulk leave the Avengers in Avengers 2?

He was also the first member to quit the team, quickly abandoning the group at the end of Avengers #2 after he discovered that the rest of the Avengers were fearful of him losing control. As such, Hulk’s status as a founding Avenger was frequently forgotten in the years before the MCU acknowledged his place as a founder of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.

Is Bruce Banner Smart Hulk in Endgame?

After his arc in the previous Avengers movies, Bruce Banner transformed into Smart Hulk in Endgame.