
Who is the rightful owner of the Iron Throne?

Who is the rightful owner of the Iron Throne?

Bran Stark and Samwell Tarly learn that Jon Snow, the alleged bastard of Eddard Stark, is actually the lawful son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark, born as Aegon Targaryen, As such, he is the rightful heir to the Iron Throne.

Did tywin sleep with Shea?

Shae was thought to have loved Tyrion Lannister in Game of Thrones until she betrayed him for his manipulative father, Tywin Lannister. Initially introduced as a prostitute, Shae quickly became Tyrion’s mistress after the two began a secret romantic relationship.

Who was tytywin Lannister and what did he do?

Tywin was known as the most powerful person in Westeros, despite never reigning as King. The Lord of House Lannister served as Hand of the King to mad monarchs Aerys Targaryen and Joffrey Baratheon and was seen as the true source of power in the Seven Kingdoms.

What would happen if Tywin Lannister and Sansa Stark go to war?

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The Lannisters already defeated the Starks during the War of the Five Kings and, if Tywin lives to see Jon and Sansa reclaim Winterfell, he would ensure that their second war has the same result. Sansa was wanted for the murder of Joffrey and Tywin would use this as an excuse to wage war on Winterfell.

What would have happened to Cersei if Tywin was alive?

Tywin had commanded Cersei to marry Loras Tyrell before his death, though the Lannister queen refused. Had he survived then there is no doubt that Tywin would have forced her to remarry as well as finding a suitable bride for Jaime, who with Tyrion in exile would be the sole heir to Casterly Rock.

What if Tyrion was the hand of Daenerys Targaryen instead of Cersei?

Instead of waging war against Cersei as Daenerys’ Hand, Tyrion would be in open conflict with the father who despises him. Tywin always scorned his son due to his disability and seeing Tyrion at the head of the Targaryen army would have confirmed his bias opinions.