
What can I talk to my school counselor about?

What can I talk to my school counselor about?

Counselors can give you tips on standing up for yourself if you’re being bullied, managing stress, talking to your parents, and dealing with anger and other difficult moods. Counselors also can advise you on problems you may have with a teacher, such as communication difficulties or questions over grades.

What do you talk about with a guidance counselor?

5 Important Questions to Ask Your Guidance Counselor

  • What’s the best schedule for me?
  • Are there any scholarships or awards I should work toward?
  • What colleges do you think would be a good fit for me?
  • How do I apply for financial aid?
  • Is there anything else I should be doing to improve my chances?
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How can I be a good school counselor?

Top 10 Traits Every School Counselor Should Have

  1. Be a good listener. The first thing that comes to mind is that school counselors must be able to listen.
  2. Be able to assess.
  3. Be an excellent communicator.
  4. Appreciate diversity.
  5. Be friendly.
  6. Be authoritative.
  7. Be well-rounded.
  8. Be able to coordinate.

What topics would you like to discuss with your counselor?

Here are a number of topics to discuss with your high school counselor:

  • High School Graduation Requirements.
  • Academic Rigor in Class Schedule.
  • Potential College Majors.
  • ACT / SAT Resources and Test Prep Availability.
  • College Information.
  • Review College Application / Essays.
  • College Prep Doubts.

What are leading questions in Counselling?

Leading questions are another specific form of closed questions. In this case, the answer is contained in the question. For example, you might say, “You are going to sort out this conflict issue, aren’t you?.” Leading questions are not true questions, because the coachee knows the answer you want to hear.

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How can I improve my school counseling program?

A school counseling brochure is a great way to deliver a lot of important information in one shot. (You can check out my brochure and a free elementary counseling brochure here.) 11. Update School Counseling Website: Take advantage of your school website.

How do you prepare for an open house for counseling?

Prepare for Open House: Set up a table or bulletin board with information for parents. Be sure to include information about you and your counseling program! 10. Create a School Counseling Brochure: What’s your role as a school counselor? What types of services do you provide? How are students referred for services?

How do you introduce yourself to new teachers?

Meet New Teachers: I recommend introducing yourself to new teachers BEFORE school starts. A quick, “Hello, welcome to our building. I’m the school counselor. I help kids who are struggling with social, emotional, behavioral skills. Here’s my brochure. I would love to talk to you a bit more about what I do when you have more time.

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How do you deal with high-needs students?

Review Previous Student Roster: Identify high-needs students and schedule a time to meet with them the first few weeks of school. 16. Send a Letter to Parents: Send out welcome back letters to the parents of the students you were working with in the spring. Invite them to contact you if they have current concerns.