
Why do I find it difficult to receive love?

Why do I find it difficult to receive love?

Being loved arouses anxiety because it threatens long-standing psychological defenses formed early in life in relation to emotional pain and rejection, therefore leaving a person feeling more vulnerable.

How do I allow myself to be loved?

How to Open Yourself Up and Let Love In

  1. List Your Fears. Knowing exactly what we don’t want can be a great way to get what we do want by being able to recognize when we shouldn’t settle.
  2. List Your Goals.
  3. Know Your Emotions.
  4. Trust Your Intuition.
  5. Focus on the Present.
  6. Let People In.
  7. Don’t Fear Failure.

Why can’t I Be loved?

Some common childhood traumas that will often affect an individual’s ability to love include being abandoned by one or more parents at any age, witnessing domestic violence (which can also lead to unhealthy relationships down the road), being the target of abuse by one or more parents, being neglected by a parent or …

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Why do I have a hard time believing that Someone Loves Me?

We reach out into life through the quality of our own being. Having a hard time believing someone loves you can only arise from you having a hard time believing you are lovable, even that you are worthy of it. You are reaching out in response to life in direct alignment with your own convictions about yourself.

Does your behavior make it harder to get along?

When your behavior makes it hard to love, you don’t just harm others. You make your own life harder, too. You can’t control whether someone else loves you. You can control the attitudes and behaviors that determine whether you’re harder or easier to get along with.

Why is it so hard to love someone who is distant?

The first thing you need to realize is that it’s your problem to solve when you’re distant or difficult. Love is hard anyway. When your behavior makes it hard to love, you don’t just harm others. You make your own life harder, too. You can’t control whether someone else loves you.

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Why do I want to be loved by someone I know?

However, I believe the true reason is because many of us who DO know ourselves yearn for someone to take the time to get to know who you really are deep down inside. More than what is your favorite color or food. Because you DO love yourself you want to be loved for the same reason you love yourself.