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What computer job gets paid the most?

What computer job gets paid the most?

20 highest paying computer science jobs

  1. Programmer analyst. National average salary: $71,666 per year.
  2. Technical support engineer. National average salary: $72,224 per year.
  3. E-commerce business analyst.
  4. Business continuity analyst.
  5. Systems analyst.
  6. Database developer.
  7. Software developer.
  8. UX designer.

What are the top 10 computer jobs?

Discover the 10 best computer jobs for the future:

  • Software Engineer.
  • Video Game Designer.
  • Computer Systems Analyst.
  • Web Developer.
  • Health Information Technician.
  • Technology Manager.
  • Database Administrator.
  • Network Administrator. Network Administrator Employment Projections | 2020 – 2030.

What are some good tech jobs?

Here, we look at some of the best tech jobs through 2020, according to U.S. government statistics.

  1. Data Scientist. Job outlook through 2020: not available.
  2. Software Developer.
  3. Information Security Analyst.
  4. Computer Systems Analyst.
  5. Web Developer.
  6. Sales Engineer.
  7. Information Technology Manager.
  8. Computer Research Scientist.
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What are the highest paying computer jobs?

One of the highest paying computer jobs you can get this year is as a Computer Systems Analyst. This position entitles you to manage the Systems requirements of enterprises according to their corporate requirements.

What is the fifth highest paying computer science job for 2021?

The fifth highest paying computer science job for 2021 is data architect. Data architects work for companies and/or educational institutions which have large amounts of internal data needing to be:

What are the best computer jobs for the future?

Discover the ten best computer jobs for the future: Mobile Application Developer Mobile App Developer Employment Projections | 2018 – 2028 Software Engineer Software Engineer Employment Projections | 2018 – 2028 Video Game Designer Video Game Designer Employment Projections | 2018 – 2028

What are the benefits of pursuing a career in Computer Science?

There are a ton of benefits to pursuing a career in computers and IT. Not only is there quite the variety of job choices, but the jobs tend to be fun — assuming, of course, you enjoy computers! Video game design, anyone? But one of the most attractive benefits of pursuing a job in computer science is the high average salary.