
Do I need to watch Logan before Deadpool 2?

Do I need to watch Logan before Deadpool 2?

There are references to numerous other films, such as X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Logan, the recent X-Men movies, and even Green Lantern and Avengers: Infinity War, but it’s not necessary to watch these in order to understand Deadpool 2 as they’re just punchlines for jokes.

What comes first Logan or Deadpool 2?

Presumably, Logan takes place after Deadpool 2, because Logan is set decades into the future, after a mysterious incident caused the X-Men to disband. We asked screenwriter Rhett Reese about where the movie stands, and his answer was typically Deadpool-ian.

Why did Deadpool only saves Peter?

“Well, here’s the thing, though: I always felt that it was important to save Peter,” Reynolds said. Reynold concluded with how he sympathized with the idea that Peter was owed a debt. “I felt like that was a promise that Wade made early on in the movie, and it was nagging him,” he said, “so he went back and got Peter.”

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What is Deadpool’s job?

Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) is Wade Wilson, a mercenary with a military black ops past. The first (and in fact only) merc job we see him work is scaring a nerdy pizza delivery guy out of stalking the object of his obsession.

Does Deadpool know who’s behind the chaos on TV?

In the first film, when Colossus sees the chaos Deadpool is causing on TV, he knows exactly who’s behind it. When Colossus and the young Negasonic Teenage Warhead (Brianna Hildebrand) arrive on the scene, Deadpool knows why they’re there, and he’s less than cooperative.

Should you wait for Deadpool to join the X-Men?

If you wind up waiting for Deadpool to join the X-Men, you probably don’t want to wait underwater. While Colossus and Negasonic are returning for Deadpool 2, to Wilson they’re just tools (and at least in the case of Colossus, he sees him as a “tool” in more way than one).

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Who is Hydra Bob in Deadpool 2?

Well, the short answer is that we don’t know. There’s some speculation that he’s Deadpool 2’s answer to longtime Deadpool comics character Hydra Bob. Hydra Bob is — on the surface — a kind of useless sidekick to Deadpool in the comics. He’s cowardly, bad at fighting, and has absolutely no special skills.