
What is the hardest part of prison?

What is the hardest part of prison?

Michael Scott : [as Prison Mike] The worst thing about prison was the… was the Dementors. They were flying all over the place and they were scary and then they’d come down and they’d suck the soul out of your body and it hurt!

How do you dress like Prison Mike?

If you want to get the look of The Office’s least hardened criminal Prison Mike, you’ll need a Blue Suit, Striped Shirt, Classic Tie, Dress Shoes, and Purple Bandana.

What are three major issues prisoners face today please describe?

Some common conditions include depression, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Recent research by the Bureau of Justice Statistics shows that more than half of all people in prison have mental health issues. In fact, around 1.25 million inmates live with mental health conditions.

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How do you make a 3 hole punch Jim costume?

Plain White Jim, or Three-hole Punch.” Simply cut out 3 large holes on thick, quality black paper that is guaranteed to stick and attach to your white button down shirt. Finish with a simple black tie, pants and any white mug. Voila, you are now three-hole punch Jim!”

What is it like to be in a prison?

The life they have grown accustomed to, will be ripped away the moment they step foot on the grounds of the prison. The food is barely edible, the living conditions are nothing short of horrific, and the overall general atmosphere of any state-run prison facility is not what any normal person wants to be a part of.

What is it like to be a socialite in prison?

The sheer number of people in prison prohibits you from ever finding a moment of peace. There are just too many people, and most of them always have something to say. You’d better get used to being a socialite because there is no privacy and there is no peace. Headaches will become your new best friend.

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Do you think prison is a good place to wind up?

Hardly anyone would ever tell you they think prison is a good place to wind up. Anyone who doesn’t think along those lines, is probably going to end up there, is there, or maybe has been there already. There is a multitude of reasons why a person should never want to pay a visit to their state-run prison facility.

How dangerous is being a prison guard?

Guards are normally outnumbered by quite a bit at any given time. So a guard, that isn’t at the very least respectful to inmates, can have his life in danger at any given moment. That doesn’t stop a lot of them from improper treatment of the inmates though.