Is Wikipedia Indian site?

Is Wikipedia Indian site?

Wikipedia is a community platform where content can be edited by anyone with a legitimate account. If the new rules go through, Indian users may lose access to the site. India is one of Wikipedia’s largest markets with the site being accessed over 771 million times by Indian users in November 2019 as per the report.

Who gave the name India?

The name India is derived from the river ‘Sindhu’ or Indus as called by the ancient Greeks. S from Bharat became I in west, hence Sindhu became Indus. And the land of Indus was called Indica or India.

What is difference between Hinduism and Hindutva?

Hindus do not hate anyone and respect all religions. However, Hindutva believes in spreading violence, intolerance and hatred. The difference between a Hindu and a Hindutvawadi is the same as that between Gandhi and Godse,” he said. Gehlot further said, “In real sense, Hindus believe in truth, non-violence and harmony.

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Is wikipedia’s India page biased?

India is one of Wikipedia’s most important markets. In 2019, over 700 million Indians visited the website. Several users on Twitter claimed that the Wikipedia page on Northeast Delhi riots, which occurred in February, was biased and described the riots as “chiefly Hindu mobs attacking Muslims”.

What is anti-Hindu sentiment (Hinduphobia)?

Anti-Hindu sentiment, also known as Hinduphobia, is a negative perception, sentiment or actions against the practitioners of Hinduism

Was Wikipedia page on northeast Delhi riots biased?

In 2019, over 700 million Indians visited the website. Several users on Twitter claimed that the Wikipedia page on Northeast Delhi riots, which occurred in February, was biased and described the riots as “chiefly Hindu mobs attacking Muslims”.

What is the anti-Hindu decree?

The anti-Hindu decree was seen as being reminiscent of the Nazi law which required all Jews to wear identifying yellow badges. The order prompted international outrage, and it was denounced by the Indian and U.S. governments, as well as by Abraham Foxman of the ADL.

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