
Which ball will hit the ground with greater velocity?

Which ball will hit the ground with greater velocity?

If both balls had the same time of flight, the ball thrown upward would have the highest velocity when hitting the ground. This is because it would have to be traveling much faster to cover the additional distance in the same amount of time as the ball going the much shorter distance.

What is the acceleration of a ball when it hits the ground?

9.8 m/s2
The acceleration is 9.8 m/s2 everywhere, even when the velocity is zero at the top of the path. Although the velocity is zero at the top, it is changing at the rate of 9.8 m/s2 downward.

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What is the velocity at the highest point?

At a projectile’s highest point, its velocity is zero. At a projectile’s highest point, its acceleration is zero.

How do you find the velocity of an object right before it hits the ground?

How to use the free fall formula: an example

  1. Determine the gravitational acceleration.
  2. Decide whether the object has an initial velocity.
  3. Choose how long the object is falling.
  4. Calculate the final free fall speed (just before hitting the ground) with the formula v = v₀ + gt = 0 + 9.80665 * 8 = 78.45 m/s .

What is the speed of the ball when it hits the ground?

Since the (vertical) velocity of the ball is given by (assuming g ≈ constant) v(t) = ds dt = v0 − gt, the speed of the object when hits the ground is the velocity at time t ∗, where t ∗ is the value of t when s(t) = sG = 0 (if your reference system is placed at s = sG = 0 for the ground).

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Why do two balls hit the ground at the same time?

Both the balls have the same velocity along the y-axis and therefore should reach the ground at the same time. (There is no reason that moving faster in one dimension should cause an object to move slower in another dimension, as you alluded to suspecting in your last paragraph.

What determines the speed at which a dropped ball falls?

Its y-axis velocity, the speed at which it moves downwards, is determined purely by gravity, just as in the case of the dropped ball, as none of the throwing force is directed downwards. Both the balls have the same velocity along the y-axis and therefore should reach the ground at the same time.

What happens when a ball is thrown horizontally?

These elaborations are interesting considerations, but the point of the original experiment is to demonstrate to a learner the independence of the dimensional axes. If the ball is thrown exactly horizontally, then it will hit the ground at the same time as the dropped one – but it will a lot further away from the thrower.