
Does Bruce Banner remember what the Hulk does?

Does Bruce Banner remember what the Hulk does?

The longer he spends in one state, the more suppressed his other half becomes. Since Age of Ultron, he was Hulk for two years, and the consciousness that belongs to Banner was suppressed to an extent that he felt like he was locked in the trunk of a car. Hence Banner has no memory of his time as Hulk in Sakaar.

Is Bruce Banner the Hulk forever?

Hulk has evolved over the past two years, but Bruce hasn’t. There is still no balance between the two. Assuming this is part of the character arc Ruffalo was teasing, it wouldn’t make any sense for Bruce Banner to stay the Hulk for the next two Avengers movies.

Does Bruce Banner remember his time as the Hulk?

In the theory, the user stressed the fact that Banner never retained complete memories of his time as Hulk. He was always aware that he brought down destruction and death in his beast form but failed to remember the specifics, which varied depending on whether he transformed under stress or voluntarily.

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What does Bruce Banner have to do before he can transform?

As we saw in the end of the Incredible Hulk, Bruce banner has to have some form of calmness and meditation before he transforms, it’s the difference between being calm and under a lot of stress and anger. Also he has to have a clear picture on his enemies and his allies before transforming

Can ironbanner control the Hulk?

Banner can already control The Hulk at the beginning of Avengers. This is shown when he is about to show his ‘secret’ to Black Widow the first time. They are then interrupted (I forget by what already) before he can show her (presumably, his instant transformation).

Why did Hulk transform twice in the MCU?

The first time, he transformed because he was in pain, and Hulk was out of his control. The second time, he transformed by choice for a specific reason. Helping things along was the fact that during the second transformation, Hulk had a lot of targets to take his rage out on – and no enclosed, confined spaces, either.