Does Gordon ever find out who Batman is?

Does Gordon ever find out who Batman is?

Yes, at the end of The Dark Knight Rises Bruce Wayne not only indicated his identity to Jim Gordon, Gordon said it aloud and confirmed that he understood Bruce’s identity as Batman.

Does Batman work alone?

Originally Answered: Why does batman prefer to work alone? He is a lone wolf. He gets his work done efficiently and effectively, alone.

Does Reese know Bruce Wayne is Batman?

The Dark Knight While assigned to diligence on the LSI Holdings deal, Reese found numerical irregularities due to the Applied Sciences division’s sudden disappearance. Reese realized that Bruce Wayne was Batman when he discovered blueprints for the Tumbler.

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Does James Gordon know Batman is Bruce Wayne?

10 Commissioner Gordon But Commissioner Gordon only knows that Batman is Bruce Wayne in a very few iterations of the franchise. In the comics, Gordon seems to have worked out Batman’s identity in Year One, but it’s left ambiguous.

Does Bruce know Selina is Catwoman?

By the early 90’s, Selina’s identity as Catwoman was secret and she had never been arrested. Even Batman didn’t know who she was. At least for a while. Batman eventually learned her secret identity but the narrative still treated it as if it was the first time.

Is Batman going to pass the mantle to another person?

Some heroes who took over the cape and cowl were more than ready to take on the Caped Crusader’s mantle. The hero known as Batman is portrayed by Bruce Wayne, and he has been for most of the past 80 years. However, there were times throughout history where Batman had to pass down his mantle to someone else.

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Did Thomas Wayne replace Bruce Wayne as Batman?

This issue took place 15 years from now, and at that time, Damian Wayne had taken on the mantle of Batman following the death of Bruce Wayne. In this issue, he battles an imposter Batman while the GCPD hunts him down. While Thomas Wayne didn’t replace Bruce Wayne, he did take the role of Batman instead of Bruce in the ” Flashpoint ” world.

Why did Jean Jean Paul Valley turn into Batman?

Jean-Paul Valley gave up the role of Azrael and became Batman. However, things went bad when Valley grew more violent. He didn’t trust anyone and even locked Robin out of the Bat Cave, and it took Bruce returning from injury to stop Valley’s reign of terror.

What happened to Batman in the Final Crisis?

In “Final Crisis,” Batman seemed to give his life to save the world when he sacrificed himself to stop Darkseid. Following Batman R.I.P., which saw Bruce Wayne lost in time but his entire Batman Family thinking he was dead, “Battle for the Cowl” took place.