
Is mandatory military service a good idea?

Is mandatory military service a good idea?

Mandatory military service can promote national unity in many ways. Citizens are able to understand and develop appreciation for the sacrifices that people in the military made for their country. And all of these can bring people together, especially when dealing with a cultural or political threat from other nations.

What are the benefits of joining the military after high school?

Here are some of the main benefits of joining the military after high school.

  • 1.) Find Your Purpose.
  • 2.) College Tuition with No Debt.
  • 3.) Learn Valuable Skills.
  • 4.) Higher Income Potential.
  • 1.) Basic Pay.
  • 2.) Special Pay.
  • 3.) Free Accommodation and Uniforms.
  • 4.) Free Health and Dental Care.

Why should military training be mandatory?

Compulsory military training helps to form a reserve force which can be of help during the times of war & natural calamities. It also transforms people for good. So compulsory military training helps in such cases. People can protect themselves and are able to protect those who are in need as well.

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What happens when you join the Army after high school?

Specifically, all military service members are eligible for tuition assistance while on active duty or in the Reserves. This assistance is not a loan, but is considered part of basic pay and can cover up to $4,500 in tuition and fees each year.

Should military training be compulsory for all essay?

It also increases our power to work. As a matter of fact, by imparting military training compulsorily to the youth of India, we shall not only be raising an army of millions to fight the enemies of India, but also we would be able to fight innumerable diseases and other wars at economic, social and health fronts.

Should military service be mandatory for high school graduates?

Robert I agree that a period of military service of a minimum 2 years should be mandatory for all able bodied high school graduates. I also think this service should be required before they are allowed to enter any college for further education as it will teach them how to focus themselves on completing any task they start.

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What are the effects of mandatory military service?

Mandatory military service majorly drafts young men (and women) when they are on top of their learning ability (18 years old) skill. This delays one’s pursuit for higher education as well as their admission into the civilian labor market, declining returns to human-capital investments as a result.

Can you go to college if you have been in the military?

Entering the military does not preclude a college degree, but it defers college entry and provides significant financial benefits for students during and after military service. Specifically, all military service members are eligible for tuition assistance while on active duty or in the Reserves.

Should the draft be mandatory for high school graduates?

You say education is the way, Ya try to educate someone who spits at the teacher. Descipline with education, America needs the draft. Robert I agree that a period of military service of a minimum 2 years should be mandatory for all able bodied high school graduates.