Can your imagination affect you?

Can your imagination affect you?

“This research confirms that imagination is a neurological reality that can impact our brains and bodies in ways that matter for our wellbeing,” said Tor Wager, director of the Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience Laboratory at CU Boulder and co-senior author of the paper, published in the journal Neuron.

What are the effects of imagination?

According to a recent neurological study, being imaginative creates more neurons in your brain. If you continue to utilize your imagination later in life, you are 73 percent less likely to develop the memory problems that lead to dementia.

What do you call a person with a big imagination?

creative. adjective. someone who is creative has a lot of imagination and new ideas.

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Can your imagination Change Your Life?

Let me tell you something different now, that imagination could change your life. It has the power to ensure your success provided you use your power of Imagination in the right direction & your position must be clear. Imagination has both sides, it could destroy you to disaster and it could lead you to the sky/success as well.

What happens when you use your power of imagination negatively?

The form of imagination is gonna give you result accordingly, when you use your power of Imagination negatively it gives your negative result, when you use it positively it gives you everything positive. let me make it more clearer with few examples below. Imagine, you get hurt while playing football.

Is imagination a weapon or not?

There are many variants of imaginations. You could imagine million things for a product or service and there is nothing in the world of which you couldn’t imagine anything. Imagination is your personal weapon and you must know how to use it. It shouldn’t control you rather you should control it or else it could destroy you.

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Why should you let your imagination be cheeky?

Allowing your imagination to be cheeky unleashes your capacity to explore your potential in ways you may never have imagined. You can take risks in your mind and consider potential consequences – good and bad – without experiencing the latter in reality.
