
Do employers care about visible tattoos?

Do employers care about visible tattoos?

One showed that tattooed people were perceived to be less honest, motivated, and intelligent; in another, 80\% of HR managers and recruiters expressed negative feelings about visible ink on prospective employees. You might say you’d hire someone without tattoos over someone with them for a particular job.

Should all employees be allowed to have their tattoos visible in the workplace?

Are tattoos in the workplace acceptable? In more relaxed company atmospheres, employers may accept tattoos at work as a sign of individuality. Ultimately, if you have tattoos and are looking for a job, you’ll want to consider in advance the culture of the companies you’re applying to.

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How are tattoos viewed in the workplace?

While visible tattoos certainly aren’t embraced by all in the workplace, recent studies and polls have concluded that around 1/3 of companies now see no issue with employees sporting permanent body art. The study also showed a new leniency towards non-natural hair colors, and more casual attire.

Should tattoos be allowed in the workplace?

Do tattoos affect a job candidate’s job prospects?

In fact, the research findings on how tattoos affect a job candidate’s hiring prospects differ widely. On the one hand, a study published in August by professors at the University of Miami and the University of Western Australia found that tattoos make no difference in terms of getting hired.

How do employers feel about visible tattoos?

Tattoos are a form of self expression and there’s no doubt that many people feel strongly about their body art. Employers can’t discriminate based on race, age or gender but they can enact strict appearance policies. Much depends on the specific job you have an how your employer feels about visible tattoos.

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Can an employer discriminate based on a tattoo?

Employers can’t discriminate based on race, age or gender but they can enact strict appearance policies. Much depends on the specific job you have an how your employer feels about visible tattoos. However, you can bet that getting a face or neck tattoo will make getting a job in specific professions like law enforcement or banking much tougher.

Can you get a job if you have a tattoo?

Administrative Assistants and Receptionists Major firms will likely not employ someone with visible tattoos as they often have rigid policies about excessive make-up, jewelry, nail varnish and unnatural hair colors.