
Should keywords be separated by commas?

Should keywords be separated by commas?

News keywords must be separated by commas and do not have to appear anywhere in the article title or body text. If you’re thinking this might just be open to abuse, you’re probably right. Google warns, however, that keyword tag manipulation probably won’t do you much good.

Can you use commas in title tags?

So use commas where it makes sense and do not worry about how search engines will react to it. Google will handle it just fine.

How do you separate keywords in a title tag?

Separate your keywords with hyphens (-) or pipes (|): Both hyphens and pipes will make it easier for your user to scan the content of your title tag. From an SEO perspective, hyphens have the added advantage that they will enable you to rank for different keywords while listing them only once.

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Can keywords have spaces?

1 Answer. The spec doesn’t restrict spaces.

What are Amazon style keywords?

Style keywords are another category of Amazon keywords that can be added to your product listing. In comparison to other product keywords, these are used to put the product into certain categories. These respond to filters that customers can apply in the left navigation bar to better sort through their search results.

Does comma affect SEO?

Search engines don’t pay attention to standard punctuation marks or line breaks. They read right through full stops, semi-colons, hyphens, commas without hesitation.

Should I use commas on Etsy titles?

No commas, no pipes, no dashes, just spaces between your keywords.

How many keywords should be in a title tag?

How many keywords should be in my title tags? Generally just one. You can add a second if it is closely related and makes sense. Don’t keyword stuff; the goal of the title tag is to explain what users can expect if they click.

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How do you add keywords to a title tag?

How to Write Title Tags for SEO: 5 Best Practices

  1. Write unique titles for every page.
  2. Pay attention to length.
  3. Use your target keyword (but don’t overdo it).
  4. Be descriptive of what’s on the page.
  5. Make a (brief) case for what’s on the page.

Do spaces matter in keywords?

Similar tests with ten other sets of examples provided consistent results, suggesting that Google considers a keyword with a space or dash equivalent. Our tests indicated that periods and question marks also have no affect on search queries.

Do Meta keywords need commas?

It all depends on what your targetting. Some search engines use commas in a keywords meta tag to separate keywords. Some ignore such meta tags completely. In practice, all search engines that care about the keywords list use a comma-separated format as described by bobince.

Should I use commas or spaces in my keyword tags?

You should use commas, if you space , then total words are one keyword. it is effect your SE rankings! Using commas will not affect your Web page’s relevancy. It makes no difference to the search engines that use the meta-tag keywords attribute whether or not you use commas or spaces to separate your keywords.

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Should I use spaces to seperate keywords in meta tags?

Just wondering if its acceptable to use a space to seperate the keywords, or if you should use a comma to seperate keywords in meta tags. You should use commas. Spaces make it impossible to delimit key phrases.

Is the Order of keywords in the title tag important?

Is the order of keywords in the title tag important? An SEO experiment. 1 Keyword is the first word. 2 Keyword is in the middle of the title tag. 3 Keyword is at the end of the title tag. 4 No keyword in the title tag.

What is the difference between keyword and keyword?

Keyword is the first word. Keyword is in the middle of the title tag. Keyword is at the end of the title tag. No keyword in the title tag