
What does Saturn in tenth house mean?

What does Saturn in tenth house mean?

Saturn in its own house (Tenth) or sign (Capricorn) is a lifelong meditation on how to live what you know, or “walk the talk.” A native with Saturn in the Tenth has high standards and can experience enormous pressure to excel. With this Saturn, some so-called failures could be public, but so are the accomplishments.

Which house does Saturn give good results?

It also means other people in your life, such as your public persona. 2- Planet Saturn’s placement in the seventh house makes the native responsible and trustworthy. 3- Even in the most delicate matters, such as marriage, an affected Saturn can make the native stern and hardline.

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Which house is good for career?

The tenth house represents your career, as well as your public image. The sixth house represents your work and service you do for others.

What does Saturn in the third house mean?

The natives of Saturn in third house are usually serious & orderly. They may face issues due to less or improper communication. They are likely to be quite isolated in life. Thus, they may develop elements of pessimism and depression at times.

What is the significance of Saturn in 10th house in astrology?

Saturn signifies masses, it represents service to humanity and responsibilities that a person needs to fulfil, both at the level of society and personal ones too. Saturn being placed in tenth house links destiny of individual to masses which often give birth to leaders.

What if Saturn is in 10th house in Leo sign for Lagna?

Saturn is Placed in 10th house in Leo Sign- For Scorpio Lagna Leo becomes the 10th house. When Saturn is placed in 10th house it becomes very uncomfortable as Leo is owned by Sun. F or Scorpio ascendant Saturn is also the 4th lord.

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What happens when Saturn is in the 8th House of Kundli?

When Saturn is in 10th house Marriage can be delayed. It is also not Good for Family Happiness and Married Life. Saturn will aspect the 7th house of Marriage from Here. It can also make the Marriage duty bound and dull. But it is not as Bad when Saturn Occupies the 8th house of your Kundli .

What does Saturn in the 2nd house in a natal chart mean?

Saturn in second house also indicates lack of interest of the native in the worldly possessions and most probably he is derived from these comforts. He will have spiritual approach towards life. He may also be interested in occult and other secret knowledge… read more