
Why You Should not explain yourself?

Why You Should not explain yourself?

So here are three reasons you should stop explaining yourself. You are basing your self-worth on others’ evaluations. Trying to convince others that what you are doing is worthy is like trying to recruit a cheering squad. Your actions don’t need a pep rally.

Should you explain yourself to others?

You don’t have to explain yourself. Whether those choices are the right ones can only be determined over time, but that is not the point. You made those choices based on your own experiences and knowledge. Nothing anyone else can say or do will change the decisions you’ve already made.

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Why do we feel the need to explain ourselves?

Overexplaining might be a type of response to past trauma, also known as the fawn response, Nobrega says. If you’ve experienced trauma, you might rely on people pleasing behaviors like over explaining to keep you safe. You might also slip into over explaining if you’ve been gaslit.

Did Jim Carrey say you stop explaining yourself?

Jim Carrey on Instagram: “You stop explaining yourself when you realize people only understand from their level of perception. #jimcarrey”

What is meant by level of perception?

It means that people judge behaviour and thoughts based on their own views, ideas and experience not by the facts. No one is objective when it comes to how they see the world and other people.

Why do we need to explain ourselves to others?

The time that you waste trying to explain yourself and your motives to others can be better spent focusing on your desired outcome. I have mentioned before that there is a natural need in other people to control situations and things, it is therefore expected that others will feel that you have to explain yourself to them.

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How do you deal with the need to Explain yourself away?

You must work on how you feel about yourself then until you realize that you are a free adult and you are beholden to no one. When you have the need to explain yourself away, stop and ask yourself why you believe (or feel) this.

Do we compare ourselves to others?

The example of George Washington Carver would suggest that the answer is yes. But there’s another, and far more common, method of social comparison and that is comparing ourselves to others in order to determine our self worth and particularly to boost our self-esteem. This is the kind of comparison that gets us into trouble.

Why do humans compare themselves to other people?

Humans also want to progress and become better, we have an innate drive to evaluate ourselves. We want to see how we’re doing; we want a measuring stick of some kind, and if we don’t have an objective means to evaluate our abilities and our opinions then we compare them with other people’s abilities and opinions.