
What does in the trenches mean in slang?

What does in the trenches mean in slang?

“In the trenches” is a common English expression. Originally this was used literally to refer to soldiers engaged in Trench warfare , however it is now commonly used to refer to somebody engaged in a long, difficult, and unrewarding task.

What does it mean to get in the trenches?

trenches. in the trenches. working in the most active and difficult parts of a job or business: The boss understands the difficulties we face here in the trenches.

What means trench kid?

definition 1: a deep, narrow ditch. We dug a trench for a pipe from the gas tank to the house. definition 2: a ditch that is packed on one side with the dirt dug from it, used as shelter and a place of protection from enemy fire.

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What does the term diktat mean?

Definition of diktat 1 : a harsh settlement unilaterally imposed (as on a defeated nation) 2 : decree, order.

What is trench in geography?

A long narrow and steep-sided depression on the ocean floor is called a trench. They are deepest parts of the ocean floor and usually 5500 metres deep. The trenches are formed due to tectonic forces—either by down faulting or by done folding. They generally run parallel to the bordering folded mountains.

What would you feel in the trenches?

Trenches were long, narrow ditches dug into the ground where soldiers lived. They were very muddy, uncomfortable and the toilets overflowed. These conditions caused some soldiers to develop medical problems such as trench foot. In the middle was no man’s land, which soldiers crossed to attack the other side.

What does trenches mean in rap?

The slang term “Trenches” is a noun which is used by rappers in rap/hip-hop music to represent a low income area with crime.

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What does it mean to be finessing?

See synonyms for: finesse / finessing on noun. extreme delicacy or subtlety in action, performance, skill, discrimination, taste, etc. skill in handling a difficult or highly sensitive situation; adroit and artful management: exceptional diplomatic finesse. a trick, artifice, or stratagem.

What were the conditions in the trenches?

Conditions in the trenches The conditions of the trenches were horrific. When it rained the ground would get flooded and the soldiers would have to walk through the water and that would cause Trench foot. Rats and lice filled the trenches and there was a huge stench. It was more likely for a man to die from diseases then in battle.

What were the trenches used for?

One of the earliest uses of the trench is in fortifications for warfare, as investigations at some archaeological sites have revealed. Trenches have also been utilized in agriculture to transport water for irrigation. Trenches continue to be used for these purposes in many regions of the world.

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What are facts about trench warfare?

Trench warfare is a type of fighting where both sides build deep trenches as a defense against the enemy. These trenches can stretch for many miles and make it nearly impossible for one side to advance.

What makes trenches in the ocean?

Ocean trenches have relatively steep sides falling to the ocean floor. Ocean trenches are typically caused when an oceanic crustal plate slides under a lighter continental plate or another oceanic plate. It is believed to work by density.