Tips and tricks

Can someone see if you send their Instagram post to someone else?

Can someone see if you send their Instagram post to someone else?

Instagram won’t notify users when you DM one of their feed posts to someone else, either, though they will be notified if you like or comment. People can also know if you share their feed post to your story.

Will someone know if I share their Instagram post on my story?

Nope. If you share someone’s story as a direct message, they are not notified. However, if you share a post as a direct message, they are.

Can you tell if someone has saved your Instagram photo?

Go on the photo that you’d like to check, and tap ‘View Insights’. Instagram will then show you a breakdown of the number of times the photo has been saved, as well as the number of users it reached and the number of profile visits you received off the back of it.

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How can you see who looks at your profile on Instagram?

Sadly, Instagram doesn’t let you see who has visited your profile. It does not have an in-app feature to track your profile visitors, yet. In case you own a business Instagram account, you can only view the number of visitors you had in the past weeks, or how many users saw your content in their feed.

What does it mean when someone’s name is at the top of your Instagram story?

The Instagram algorithm recognizes who you are regularly interacting with and will then place them at the top of your Instagram Stories viewers list, because it knows those are the accounts you care about (or creep) the most.

Can people see if you look at their Instagram?

Nobody can see when or how often you look at their Instagram page or photos. People can see who views their Instagram stories and videos. Julian Gutman, product lead for Instagram Home, recently explained how Instagram’s feed and stories work and how certain things show up.

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How can I use Instagram without them knowing?

1. Use Airplane Mode

  1. Open the Instagram app and wait for the story to load.
  2. Turn on Airplane mode.
  3. Go back to the Instagram app, tap on the story that you want, and take a screenshot.
  4. On Android, force quit the Instagram app before disabling Airplane mode.

Is there a way to share someone else’s Instagram post?

A few of the @CreateandThrive followers who are new to IG commented that they didn’t know how to share someone else’s Instagram post, because Instagram doesn’t have an inbuilt share function. This post is for you! I’ve got a list of 4 different ways you can quickly and easily share someone else’s Instagram post – on your phone OR on your computer.

Does Instagram notify when you share a story as a DM?

Yes. Instagram notifies the account owner when you share a story as a DM. Starting today, you can share stories with your friends in Direct. From stories you follow on surfing to stories about your best friend’s cat, now you have more ways to share the stories you love. Sharing a story in Direct is as easy as sharing a post from your feed.

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Does Instagram notify you when someone else logs into your account?

Many users have previously reported that Instagram has notified them of unusual login attempts when someone else logs into their account. Instagram can pick this up if someone uses a different device from a different location, unlike your normal logins.

What happens when you take a screenshot of someone else’s Instagram story?

When you take and share a screenshot of someone else’s Story, the account from which you screenshotted the Story will not be notified that you took a screenshot or that you shared their Story. However, if the person follows you, they might come across it anyway when they watch your Story.