Tips and tricks

Is a Doctors life hard?

Is a Doctors life hard?

Doctors reel under unrelenting work pressure, they work for inhumane hours, suffer from severe burnout, undergo sleep deprivation and anxiety but despite all of these struggles their profession demands them to put up a brave front, one that lacks any fragility.

Will I be happy if I become a doctor?

If you find yourself energized or eager to overcome obstacles, you’ll be much happier as a physician. But even as an attending physician, you better enjoy a good challenge. Medicine is a mental puzzle, providing intellectual stimulation and it’s best suited to those with an inquisitive mind.

Is it possible to become a doctor later in life?

You can see that becoming a doctor later in life is perfectly achievable. If you have a passion for medicine and are willing to work hard, you don’t need to worry about missing the window of opportunity. You have every reason to believe you can join the ranks of the many successful physicians who started practicing a bit later in their lives.

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Is it difficult to get into an easy medical school?

You aren’t willing to give up on your dream just because the road to medical school and residency is rigorous. Though you’re committed to a career as a physician, it’s clear that getting into medical school is going to be a challenge. You can’t help but wonder which programs make the list of easiest medical schools to get into.

What happens to your family when you become a doctor?

One of the most noticeable shifts that occurs once you’re beginning life as a doctor is that loved ones will likely come to you for medical advice. Family members who never before thought to ask your opinion on whether they should seek treatment for something could now find your perspective to be invaluable.

Are there advantages to being a physician in your state?

Dr. Andrea Paul, co-founder and Chief Medical Officer for BoardVitals, mentions state schools that reserve spots for local students as an example. She says an applicant who demonstrates a desire to practice as a physician in their home state after graduating and completing residency will typically have an advantage over others.