
How did Christianity first come to the country?

How did Christianity first come to the country?

Christianity originated with the ministry of Jesus, a Jewish teacher and healer who proclaimed the imminent kingdom of God and was crucified c. AD 30–33 in Jerusalem in the Roman province of Judea. In the early Middle Ages, missionary activities spread Christianity towards the west among German peoples.

How is Christianity practiced in India?

Nearly all Indian Christians (98\%) say they believe in God, and Christians in India are more likely than most other religious communities to say they pray daily (77\%). Most Indian Christians also attend church weekly (55\%), and an overwhelming share give money to a church (89\%).

Who is the first missionary came to India?

He went to Calcutta (Kolkata) in 1793, but was forced to leave the British Indian territory by non-Baptist Christian missionaries….William Carey (missionary)

The Reverend William Carey
Portrait of Carey, c. 1887
Born 17 August 1761 Paulerspury, England
Died 9 June 1834 (aged 72) Serampore, Bengal Presidency, British India
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Who brought Christianity to India and when Brainly?

Answer: Saint Thomas the Apostle ,brought Christianity to India and in 6th century AD.

Who brought Christianity in India?

According to Travancore Manual, Thomas of Cana, a Mesopotamian merchant and missionary, introduced Christianity to India in 345 AD. He brought 400 Christians from Baghdad, Nineveh , and Jerusalem to Kodungallur.

Did the Apostle Thomas minister in India?

Accounts of Thomas’ missionary activities are unreliable, but the most widely accepted report holds that he preached in India, although he was reluctant to start the mission. According to the Acta Thomae, the apostles divided up the world for their missionary labors, and India fell to Thomas .

How is Christianity in India?

Christianity is India’s third most followed religion according to the census of 2011, with approximately 28 million followers, constituting 2.3 percent of India’s population. It is traditionally believed that Christianity was introduced to India by Thomas the Apostle , who supposedly landed in Kerala in 52 AD.