
What happens when Morgoth returns?

What happens when Morgoth returns?

When the world is old and the Powers grow weary, then Morgoth, seeing that the guard sleepeth, shall come back through the Door of Night out of the timeless Void; and he shall destroy the Sun and the Moon. But Eärendil shall descend upon him as a white and searing flame and drive him from the airs.

Is Smaug stronger than Balrog?

So, one glimpse into Smaug’s eyes and the Balrog falls under the spell. Even if it’s just for a second—a moment of hesitation or distraction, it’d be enough. Smaug would snatch up Durin’s Bane and gobble him up with his sword-sharp teeth (and we know swords can kill Balrogs). There you have it.

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What was the relationship between Smaug and Sauron like?

There is no evidence that Smaug and Sauron had any interactions with each other. I speculate that their is an “unconscious” or “dormant” connection between Smaug (and the rest of the dragons for that matter) and Sauron, as they are both servants of Morgoth. The Dragons were created by Morgoth.

Could Smaug have been a dragon?

The Dragons were created by Morgoth. Smaug could be a survivor of the War of Wrath which would make him one of the original dragons, but it’s more likely that he is a second or third generation offspring from one of those dragons. Even so, there’s no reason that Morgoth’s corruption would not have been passed on.

Who would win in a fight Sauron or Gothmog?

Yes Sauron would win, he was a top class Maia, way above all others Maia we knew in the books, there is a reason Gothmog was a Balrog and not a leader of Balrogs that could do what he wanted and be what he wanted!

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Could Sauron have had the power to command the Balrog?

So, War of The ring, Sauron would of only had the power to seduce Smaug with promises of greater fortune and power. He wouldn’t of been able to physically or mentally command him. To command the Balrog would have been even harder since it was a Maiar of the same level as Sauron.