
What does it mean when someone loves your post on Facebook?

What does it mean when someone loves your post on Facebook?

Clicking Like below a post on Facebook is a way to let people know that you enjoy it without leaving a comment. Just like a comment, anyone who can see the post can see that you liked it.

Can friends see what you like on Facebook?

Your friends can see ALL the photos you’ve liked on Facebook — whether you like it or not. It’s official. Facebook is the ultimate place to go if you want to be embarrassed. Your mind is probably running through all the secrets that are about to be uncovered by your Facebook liking history.

Why don’t people text back on Facebook?

Because when they receive the message they are already intellectually and emotionally engage in whatever they might be reading on facebook. Another reason might be they have main contacts and friends in the real world that can text them via there phones, so its not a priority for them, at that particular moment anyway.

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Why do people ignore my messages on Facebook?

Sometimes, especially if you are not a Friend, people don’t know they have a message for quite a while, because they don’t necessarily get a notification about it. Other times, people have talked to you in person or another way since they received the message, so they just ignore them. I used Facebook now for 6 years.

How do you know if you’re an extrovert or introvert on Facebook?

The study found that extroverts use the like button more often and update their status more frequently than introverts. 3. Conscientious people organize their photos carefully. Conscientious people are self-disciplined hard-workers who spend the least amount of time on Facebook.

Why do people with low self-esteem have the most friends on Facebook?

A 2012 study published in Computers in Human Behavior found that people with low self-esteem who worried about their public perception had the most Facebook friends. The researchers concluded that self-conscious people compensate for low self-esteem by trying to appear popular on Facebook.