
Is Infj childhood bad?

Is Infj childhood bad?

INFJs who have endured trauma from childhood can really struggle to process or move on from this. They likely hold onto those feelings, and will blame themselves when things go wrong. They repress those feelings and attempt to override them, which can cause it to fester and hurt them even more.

Are INFJs childlike?

INFJs are definitely old souls, with a powerful depth of emotions and thoughts inside of them. INFJs do have a playfulness to them though, and can sometimes laugh at the most childish jokes. Their youngness comes out more in their sense of humor, more than anything else.

What are the INFJ emotions?

When it comes to the INFJ emotions are a complex thing, and the way they process them might be confusing for some people. They Are Empathetic People INFJs are naturally empathetic people which helps them when it comes to understanding the emotions of others.

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Why are INFJs so hard to deal with?

What makes their emotions so difficult to handle at times is the relative lack of an introverted judging function in the INFJ’s functional stack which is able to actively organize their emotions and thus provide a clear overview. The introverted judging function the INFJ has available to do the job is Introverted Thinking (Ti).

What does it mean when an INFJ cries?

Personality types with strong Fe like the INFJ don’t project their emotions on others. We just share the same emotions as others and feel exactly what the other person is feeling. When other people are crying, we feel like crying too. We pick up the mood in the environment easily and so we are often affected by others.

Are INFJ’s prone to burnout and exhaustion?

INFJs aren’t the only personality type to suffer from emotional burnout and exhaustion, but it’s a common problem that almost all INFJs experience at some point in their lives. That’s because we have several personality traits that make us prone to it.