
Can premolars replace canines?

Can premolars replace canines?

The replacement of the canines by premolars, excluding the orthodontic surgery, is a viable treatment with good functional, periodontal and esthetic results, as long as there is a good orthodontic management of the final position of the anterior teeth.

How long does it take to bring down impacted canines?

Removal of an impacted tooth can be done with a simple surgery – but further orthodontic care may be necessary to achieve straight teeth and a healthy smile. Bringing an impacted tooth into its correct position (and properly aligning the rest of the teeth) will take longer – anywhere from 6 months to 2 years.

Is it OK to leave an impacted canine tooth?

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If the impacted canine tooth is left untreated, the damage to the adjacent tooth can progress, leaving it unrestorable and vulnerable to tooth loss.

Can canines be extracted?

If your mouth is overcrowded for any reason, the dentist may recommend extraction of teeth. The extraction will generally be performed under by an oral surgeon. The un-erupted canine will then be exposed by lifting the gum, and guided into place using a special bracket.

Can you replace premolar?

Posted April 4, 2018 . The average adult has eight permanent premolars. These important teeth reside between the teeth in the front of your mouth and the molars in the back of your mouth.

What causes impacted canines?

There are several main causes for impacted canine teeth: Extra Teeth – Extra teeth can either directly block the eruption path, or create overcrowding which interferes with the natural eruption of the canine. Overcrowding – Overcrowding may be the result of poor alignment of the front teeth as well as extra teeth.

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Why do canine teeth get impacted?

Causes of Impacted Canines Overcrowding. When your front teeth are overcrowded, usually a result of misalignment, there may not be enough room for your canines. Extra teeth. Any extra teeth you may have developed can block your canines, preventing their eruption.

Why do we need to remove premolars?

When traction was performed on the canines, it would have been simple to make the decision to undergo a major orthodontic treatment and to proceed with the removal of premolars to solve the problem of the lack of space. All of this assumes that the canines were accessible by the palate.

What are the risks of orthodontic treatment for impacted canine teeth?

Surgical exposure of the impacted canine, and the complex orthodontic mechanics applied to align the tooth back into the arch, may frequently lead to complications involving supporting tissues, not to mention the long treatment time and high costs imposed to patients.

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Why do canine teeth stay in place after an eruption?

During the eruption process, the permanent canines must resorb (wear down) the roots of their temporary predecessors. Palatally impacted canines do not resorb the roots of the temporary canines, so these teeth can stay in place and be “solid” for a very long time, until adulthood.

Can a malpositioned canine cause permanent incisor damage?

When a developing canine is significantly malpositioned, it can cause the same kind of damage to the permanent lateral incisors, which is not desirable, unlike the temporary canines, and may compromise the survival of the affected teeth. The “iceberg syndrome” !