
Are computer scientists engineers or scientists?

Are computer scientists engineers or scientists?

“Computer science is one of many disciplines that are not universally recognized as a part of the engineering community.” Computer science originally developed as a math discipline, but has since evolved to encompass engineering activities such as design of silicon chips and computer networks.

Are computer scientists smarter than average?

The typical computer science bachelor’s holder may not be intelligent as the typical physics PhD, but any of them will be smart enough that differences in intelligence will only matter in their professional domains.

Can a physicist work as a computer scientist?

in theoretical physics worked for 15 years in research, then switched to the computer software industry. In summary, yes, a physics degree could lead to programming – depending on how many courses you complete in programming languages.

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Why computer scientists are not engineers?

It’s because the two fields do overlap. Both involve working with (and developing a deep understanding of) computers. Both involve understanding aspects of software — such as programming languages, software architecture, and development. But for all their similarities, computer science is not engineering.

What is the average IQ of an engineer?

Engineer vs engineer: Who has the higher IQ?

Average IQ Profession
126 Electrical Engineering
125.5 Mechanical Engineering
125 Philosophy
124 Chemistry

Is a physicist smarter than an engineer?

One cannot say, that a physicist is smarter than an engineer, or an engineer is smarter than a salesman, or a salesman is smarter than a manager and so on. A smart person can choose any profession, and often times, many smart people actually end up choosing engineering over physics or vice a versa.

Is there such a thing as an interdisciplinary physicist?

Many of my postdoctoral and professor colleagues do extremely interdisciplinary work at the intersection of theoretical physics, chemistry, engineering, and computer science. Some identify as chemists, others physicists, and a few as engineers.

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Was Lars Onsager smarter than an engineer or a physicist?

Therefore, it is safe to conclude that Lars Onsager was smarter than engineers when he was a physicist and smarter than physicists when he was an engineer. I took these two graduate class once which were full of engineers. There was one guy in the class from the physics department.

What skills do engineers need to be a good physicist?

Engineers need a lot of common sense, and pragmatic thinking. They need to navigate corporate world, which can be a nightmare for some of the more introverted physicists. In the end, it’s a matter of different set of skills.