
Is Shirahoshi in love with Luffy?

Is Shirahoshi in love with Luffy?

Both Rebecca and Shirahoshi have intense adoration for Luffy that has yet to be shown to be romantic. Shirahoshi adored Luffy as her protector whilst he was on fish-man island and was distraught when he decided to leave.

Can Shirahoshi destroy the world?

Shirahoshi is the reincarnation of the Ancient Weapon Poseidon and with it, she can control all the Sea Kings of the world. She is known to have enough power to destroy the entire world if she wishes to.

Why is Shirahoshi important?

It appears that Shirahoshi can summon them through her will and feelings even though she wasn’t directly calling for them. This ability is what classifies her as one of the Ancient Weapons that the World Government fears so much; she is the current incarnation of the weapon Poseidon.

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Why is Shirahoshi so big?

If Shirahoshi was not born from egg the most logical explanation behind her birth is that she was probably born small and had a massive growth spurt. Growing to a massive growth is not impossible because she has royal blood and her father Neptune is of a giant size merman after all.

Does alvida have a crush on Luffy?

Since Luffy was the first man to defeat her, Alvida became quite infatuated with him. However, unlike the Pirate Empress’s schoolgirl-like crush for Luffy, Alvida’s is more of an admiring love. She did show a little disappointment when Buggy tried to kill him in Loguetown though.

What kind of mermaid is Shirahoshi?

Princess Shirahoshi, also known as the Mermaid Princess, is a giant smelt-whiting mermaid and the youngest of King Neptune’s children.

Who saves Shirahoshi from celestial dragon?

The same celestial dragon that Luffy punched wishes to capture Shirahoshi and keep her as a pet. Rob Lucci is now part of CP0. Another celestial dragon saves Shirahoshi.

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Who does Vivi have a crush on?

8 Makes No Sense: Luffy x Vivi To be fair, when Vivi traveled with the Straw Hats, she had a wonderful relationship with everyone. Luffy, in particular, helped Vivi find her way when she began to become discouraged on her quest to save Alabasta. Clearly, Vivi has a deep love and admiration for the Straw Hat crew.

Why does alvida look different?

Appearance. Originally, Alvida was a tall and very obese woman with long wavy black hair, and freckles on her cheeks. By eating a Devil Fruit, Alvida has transformed by shedding the excess weight from her body.