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Is there a ceasefire between Israel and Palestine?

Is there a ceasefire between Israel and Palestine?

The Israeli government and the Islamist Palestinian group, Hamas, agreed to a ceasefire last week after eleven days of relentless bombardment, which began on 10 May. The ceasefire, however, came far too late for 248 Palestinians, including 66 children, and 12 Israelis who were killed in the recent fighting.

Where does Hamas get its funding?

Much of the money raised comes from sources that direct their assistance to what Hamas describes as its charitable work for Palestinians, but investments in support of its ideological position are also relevant, with Persian Gulf States and Saudi Arabia prominent in the latter.

How much will it cost to rebuild Gaza?

Rebuilding Gaza after the latest devastating war between Israel and the territory’s militant Hamas rulers will cost up to USD 485 million, the World Bank said. The report says it will take up to $380 million to repair the physical damage alone, with more required for other recovery needs.

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What is the US doing to help Gaza?

On Wednesday, the agency issued an emergency $38 million appeal to donors to provide food, first aid, mental health assistance and other needs to Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank.

What is the deal with Israel and Hamas?

A ceasefire was agreed on 21 May between Israel and the Palestinian militant group Hamas. It came after 11 days of fighting, which left at least 255 people dead. Most of those killed were Palestinians in the territory of Gaza. Israel and Hamas both claimed victory in the latest conflict.

Who negotiated the ceasefire between Israel and Hamas?

A cease-fire between Israel and Hamas took effect Thursday evening after both parties agreed to halt an 11-day military confrontation that left hundreds dead and sparked international alarm. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced the truce, brokered by Egyptian officials.

Who will rebuild the Gaza Strip?

The reconstruction agreement includes three phases. The first includes rebuilding residential homes by the Qatari committee, which will rebuild 1,000 destroyed units, including 800 that sustained partial damage. According to Sarhan, Egypt will start the first phase within days.

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How is Hamas getting rockets?

While Hamas had more success with smuggling in the past, today experts believe most of its rockets are built by shops in Gaza, with technical assistance and millions of dollars of financing supplied by Iran, as Hamas openly claims, in the form of “blueprints, engineering know-how, motor tests and other technical …

Who is funding Hamas?

Hamas is a militant and political organization currently in power in the Gaza Strip. According to Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian National Authority, “Hamas is funded by Iran.