What is it called when you repeat something someone says?

What is it called when you repeat something someone says?

This repetition or imitation of sounds, phrases, or words is called echolalia. The term comes from the Greek words “echo” and “lalia,” which mean “to repeat speech”.

Why do people repeat what you say in a conversation?

People who are masters at communication often make good use of repeating back the words they hear from the people they are speaking with. When people use the same words, it creates less social distance between them and makes them feel more similar to each other.

How do you treat echolalia at home?


  1. Avoid responding with sentences that will result in echolalia.
  2. Use a carrier phrase softly spoken while modeling the correct response: “You say, (quietly spoken), ‘ want car.
  3. Teach “I don’t know” to sets of questions the child does not know the answers to.

How to ask someone to repeat something in a different way?

Asking Someone to Repeat Something in a Different Way: The following expressions are going to tell your listener that you heard them, but you didn’t understand. When you express this, they’ll hopefully repeat the information in a new way, a way that’s easier for you to understand. I didn’t understand…. I didn’t get that….

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Why do people repeat back to you exactly what you said?

Because they didn’t believe that you actually said it. The experience of having somebody repeat back to you exactly what you just said can be unnerving if not creepy. But let me suggest 3 possibilities for such behavior. 1. A person can be unaware of their conversational pathology.

Why does my friend keep repeating the same story to me?

But the fact that they’re repeating these stories is a strong indication of trauma. Next time your friend says, “Have I told you this before?” say “No” even if they have, just to get a better understanding of their psychology. “There you go- that story again.

Why do people repeat the same things over and over?

Their mind is trying to make sense of what happened. The issue is unresolved in their mind. By repeating the same thing over and over, they want to resolve it and do away with it. Many things that we encounter on a daily basis get easily resolved (I fell because I slipped, he laughed because I said something funny, etc.).