
Do we need to make notes for prelims?

Do we need to make notes for prelims?

Making your own notes is a crucial part of any exam and when I was preparing for UPSC, I realized that it played a major role here too. As the UPSC exam includes a vast array of subjects with a loose syllabus, it is very difficult to remember everything and impossible to go through the entire syllabus while revising.

What do Hindus study for IAS?

What should be focused?

  • Good analysis of current issues (Editorial page or Op-Ed page).
  • Supreme Court and High Court verdicts.
  • Issues of national and international importance.
  • Parliamentary Debates.
  • Government policies and orders.

Is Indian Express enough for UPSC?

The Indian Express provides comprehensive coverage to all the topics, especially the Indian Polity. It is very useful for UPSC Mains as it provides unbiased information on the issues. The aspirants can read all news which is of national and international importance.

Is it necessary to make jee notes?

Making notes is one of the most important steps required to ace JEE exams. As the syllabus of these competitive exams is huge, students might forget the concepts that they have learned. So it is extremely important to prepare notes whenever you read a new chapter.

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Should we make Class 12 notes?

It is important to prepare notes because they will save your time and help you in the quick preparation of class 12 board exam. If you want to secure above 90 percent in the board exam then you must look to prepare notes or you will find it really difficult to cover your entire syllabus within time.

How to make notes from newspaper?

How to make notes from newspaper – Mains perspective. For Pre the notes should contain more of facts and some analytical points, but for Mains, note making from newspapers is different. For Mains, our target should be such that for every topic in the syllabus we should have 300 -500 points notes.

How do I prepare editorials of the Hindu for the CSE?

Originally Answered: What and how does one prepare notes from the editorials of The Hindu for the CSE? Just jot down keywords and phrases and throw away the newspaper. Write the summary in your own words. Don’t copy, cut & paste articles. This will makes notes large & cumbersome. Don’t subscribe to any other general newspapers.

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How long does it take to read an editorials in Hindu?

Hindu editorials are mostly opinion based. Its simple and comes with practice. At first reading an article may take you more than 30min but once you get to know about the topic, then any article which comes on that topic in the next newspapers’ is only an add-on to the already read article which has come before.