Tips and tricks

How old was Hinata when she started to like Naruto?

How old was Hinata when she started to like Naruto?

The events of The Last: Naruto the Movie take place two years after the Great Ninja War in the series’ Part II. At the age of 19, Hinata hopes to give Naruto a red scarf she knitted herself as a gift of love.

How old was Hinata when she had Himawari?

Himawari is the second born child to Hinata and Naruto and is two years younger than her brother, Boruto. Himawari is currently 10 years old in the series and was born when Hinata was 22 and Naruto was 23.

Does Naruto know Hinata loves him in the last movie?

The Last: Naruto The Movie spends most of the film ignoring this exchange. Naruto acts like he doesn’t know she loves him, and Hinata acts like she hasn’t confessed yet. Even when Naruto acknowledges the scene in a flashback, it’s much deeper into the movie.

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Why is Hinata jealous of Naruto’s scarf?

As it turns out, the scarf belonged to his mother, though Hinata doesn’t know that right away. She finds herself jealous that Naruto is wearing a scarf from someone else. Hinata doesn’t get angry, just sad. She also holds off on talking about her feelings for him yet again. Hinata gradually builds her skills over the course of the original series.

What inspired Hinata Hyuga to become so powerful?

Many of the people around him are inspired by his commitment to do the right thing, even when he’s still young and inexperienced. Hinata Hyuga is one of those people. She spends the bulk of her childhood with a crush on Naruto and a desire to prove herself. Often overlooked because of her shy personality, she becomes a powerful shinobi.

Why did the boys call Hinata a monster?

Three boys targeted her because of her eyes. (Because of her Byakugan ability that allows her special sight, her eyes appear almost completely white.) The boys called Hinata a monster, tormenting her while she cried, and that was when Naruto stepped in.