Why would someone pretend to be me on Facebook?

Why would someone pretend to be me on Facebook?

Their reasons for impersonating you may be complex – it could be that they are interested in stalking and harassing you, attempting to crowbar personal information out of your online friends, or wish to besmirch your character by posting messages under your name that are untruthful and potentially damaging to your …

Is sending friend request illegal?

No you are not,”You are independent to do anything with in your limits”, and social networking sites are meant to be connecting people. there no clauses that you can’t send friend request to any unknown person. But the thing is some people misuse it, that causes mislead to some people.

Why do I keep getting fake friend requests on Facebook?

If you seem to keep getting fake friend requests in spite of your best efforts, you may have already accepted too many in the past. Researchers from Facebook and Harvard have determined that friendly users who are overly-welcoming to friend requests may be putting themselves at risk for more fake friends.

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How can you tell if someone’s Facebook profile is fake?

If you don’t recognize the person or ever recall meeting them, the profile could be fake. Check the requester’s friends list to see if there are mutual friends or anyone you may know. Facebook will usually highlight the number of mutual friends you share in the request.

Is it possible to get scammed through Facebook friend requests?

There is no such thing as magical hackers that can do anything they please by merely being accepted as a friend on Facebook. Friend requests can initiate a scam but they still require the victim to take further actions, such as giving away too much information, or by visiting a dangerous website.

What happens if you unfriend someone on Facebook and they come back?

If you unfriend someone who you’d like out of your online circle, they can still find their way back to your Facebook account by creating a fake profile. People aren’t always who they say they are, and befriending you using an alias lets them know what you’re up to without you knowing.