
How is Jane the new Thor?

How is Jane the new Thor?

Taika Waititi’s film is set to borrow Jane’s transformation from the comics, with the astrophysicist wielding Mjolnir and being gifted with the same powers as her old boyfriend. Jane then picks it up and – boom – a new Thor is born.

Why is Jane Foster The new Thor?

For many years, Foster was a nurse, employed by Dr. Donald Blake, Thor’s first mortal host, before becoming a doctor herself. Foster is later revealed to be deemed worthy to wield Thor’s hammer Mjolnir when the former is no longer able. During this period, she adopts the mantle of Thor, and joins the Avengers.

Is Jane Foster as strong as Thor?

If Jane Foster gained powers from an Infinity Stone, like Wanda Maximoff and Captain Marvel, then she could be more powerful than Thor. It was removed from her and she has shown zero powers.

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How can Jane Foster be Thor?

In the Marvel comics, Jane Foster is given Thor’s powers during her battle with breast cancer when she attempts to lift Mjolnir, which results in her becoming The Mighty Thor.

How did Jane Foster get an Infinity Stone?

Jane Foster is possessed by the Aether After arriving back on Earth, Foster exhibited an immensely powerful energy projection when being touched on the arm, and was taken to Asgard by Thor where the Aether was discovered by Odin.

Why did fury say Gorr was right?

Unworthy Thor revealed that Nick Fury, in the “Original Sin” storyline, whispered to Thor that Gorr, the God Butcher, was right when he said that all gods are unworthy or mortal admiration, which made Thor realize his own unworthiness.

Can Jane Foster become Thor in the MCU?

But with Mjolnir destroyed, and the power it grants now a logical mess in the current MCU, the way Jane Foster becomes Thor in the actual comics can’t be adapted.Which leaves fans with the same question the filmmakers must now answer: how is Jane Foster supposed to become worthy of Thor’s powers… if Mjolnir doesn’t exist to give them to her?

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Is Jane Foster the next god of Thunder?

Jane Foster is about to become THOR in Marvel’s movie universe. Here’s why she won’t need Mjolnir to become the next God of Thunder. The secret is out for Thor: Love & Thunder, with Natalie Portman becoming the MCU’s next cosmic superhero–or she will be, once Jane Foster becomes the new Thor.

Is Thor in love with Jane Foster?

Jane Foster was first introduced as an astrophysicist in 2011’s Thor. After investigating New Mexico with her team, she encountered the God of Thunder and quickly got caught up in the demigod’s Asgardian conflict. Jane later became Thor’s love interest and returned in Thor: The Dark World.

What happened to Thor’s relationship with Jane Eyre?

The relationship between Thor and Jane seemed fine by the end of the movie, but that was clearly not the case following Thor: The Dark World. Jane was mentioned in passing in other MCU installments but Natalie Portman didn’t appear in any films.