
Can you say for example at the end of a sentence?

Can you say for example at the end of a sentence?

When “for example” comes as an end-sentence parenthesis The third and last case that necessitates a comma before “for example” is when we place it at the end of the sentence. This is what we call an end-sentence parenthetical insertion, which is also equivalent to sentence-final disjuncts in syntax.

Do you put comma after for example?

“For example” should use commas except when it would make the sentence harder to read. While it is common practice to do recalibration between trials, for example in reading research, this is not always possible or feasible.

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How do you use for example in a paragraph?

Each phrase can be used within a sentence when it is followed by a list of items which elaborate on or show examples for the main idea of the sentence. Here are examples: I can play quite a few musical instruments, for example, the flute, the guitar, and the piano.

Can you put However at the end of a sentence?

The most common way of using ‘however’ is to mean ‘but’. This usually comes at the beginning of a sentence, and is followed by a comma. Or you can put it at the end, after a comma.

How do you punctuate for example in a sentence?

  1. Commas customary.
  2. When linking two independent clauses with for example, namely, that is, use a semicolon before and a comma after.
  3. When using e.g. to introduce a list, do not end the list with etc.
  4. Also see Swan 157.13 for example, for instance.

Why is ending sentences with “at” bad grammar?

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Yes, it’s an old grammar joke. But it’s true. So why is ending sentences with at such a problem? For two reasons: the first is that it is generally improper to end sentences with prepositions. This rule is a little fluid, however, in conversational English.

Is it grammatically wrong to end a sentence with a preposition?

If you’ve ever heard that you can’t end a sentence with a preposition, you’re not alone. Ending a sentence with a preposition has long been considered grammatically incorrect. However, while it’s still frowned upon by traditional readers, it’s not technically an error.

How do you use the word example in a sentence?

The expression for example is followed by supporting details for the word directly mentioned before it. Punctuation varies before example words— such as, namely, for example, e.g., or for instance. It depends on how the word is used in the sentence.

How do you check a sentence for correct grammar?

When you check the sentence for correct grammar, you need to analyze the relationship between each word, the clauses, the punctuation used, and how the structure of the sentence comes together. It takes not just time and effort but a level of knowledge that people often don’t have. Of course, you can try to check the word choice using different