
What is the average commute to school?

What is the average commute to school?

The study looks only at the effect of morning commutes, since many students are engaged in after-school activities which take them to multiple destinations. First, the good news: The average commute was short, roughly 18 minutes. The most common commute was even shorter, averaging 5 and 10 minutes.

How long does it take to commute?

In the U.S., the average, one-way commute time is 26.1 minutes, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. If you commute to a full-time, 5-day-a-week job, roundtrip that adds up to 4.35 hours a week and over 200 hours (nearly nine days) per year.

What is reasonable commuting distance?

Reasonable Commuting Distance means a distance that is fewer than 50 straight-line miles from the Business Employee’s principal residence. In addition, a distance that does not increase a Business Employee’s commute by more than five straight-line miles shall also be a Reasonable Commuting Distance.

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Is commuting to school worth it?

If you are looking for a degree with in-person classes, going to a commuter school might be worth it. Usually commuters live with parents or other relatives and travel to school, but you also may find an affordable place to live that is farther away and need to commute to class.

Is 90 minutes too long of a commute?

The U.S. Census Bureau defines extreme commuters as workers who travel 90 minutes or more each way to work. That’s 1 in 36 workers with extreme commutes today. Such an arrangement clearly isn’t for everyone. But for 2.8\% of all commuters, extreme commuting is simply business as usual.

What is the average distance a person travels to work?

To get to work, the average commuter travels approximately 15 miles one way. Two out of three com- muters (68 percent) reported a one-way commute of 15 miles or less, 22 percent traveled between 16 and 30 miles and 11 percent traveled more than 30 miles2.

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How long does the average college student’s commute take?

First, the good news: The average commute was short, roughly 18 minutes. The most common commute was even shorter, averaging 5 and 10 minutes. But a small number of students endures commutes of a greater than an hour.

How long is too long of a commute?

Commutes longer than 45 minutes are up 12 percent in that time span, and 90-minute one-way commutes are 64 percent more common than in 1990. The longer your commute, the less time you have for family, friends, exercise and nutrition—and it’s awful for your mental state.

How many students commute to school by bus?

The researchers note that it is likely that a large share of these commutes are by school bus, since many of the students live in areas that either do not have public transit or do not offer convenient transit routes to schools. Just 9 percent of students walk or bike to school, according to the study.

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What are the best and Worst States for commuting?

The best and worst states for commutes. The states with the shortest, average commutes by car, one-way, are: South Dakota (16.6 minutes) Wyoming and Montana (both 17.3 minutes) Alaska (18.5 minutes) North Dakota (18.6 minutes)