
Can married couples get through cheating?

Can married couples get through cheating?

Infidelity causes intense emotional pain, but an affair doesn’t have to mean the end of your marriage. However, when both spouses are committed to real healing, most marriages survive and many marriages become stronger with deeper levels of intimacy.

Can two married people be attracted to each other?

Yes, crushes are completely normal and very common among people in relationships. In a recent study conducted by SimplyHired, 74\% of full-time employees in committed relationships revealed they were attracted to an office colleague, so having a work crush even if you’re married is nothing out of the ordinary.

What happens when both of your partners cheat on You?

So when both partners admit to cheating on each other, there are serious issues. “Cheating is a symptom that either both partners aren’t really committed to the relationship, or there is something missing in the relationship,” explains Alonzo and Rebecca Cahoon, relationship experts and certified coaches.

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What happens when both people in an affair are married?

When both people in the affair are married, both need to deal with the consequences of the affair. Dealing with the consequences may mean ending the marriage, sweeping the affair under the rug and pretending like it never happened, or admitting to the affair and working to repair the marriage.

Does cheating mean he wasn’t happy in the marriage?

To me, that means he wasn’t happy in the marriage regardless of the affair. People who are happy in their marriages don’t cheat. No matter what. They don’t have to. They don’t want to. Their needs are being met. Not the case with this guy. And maybe not the case with his wife, either.

What is the percentage of marriages that survive Affairs?

What percent of marriages survive affairs? Many people go back to their spouses after having an affair–even when the secret of their infidelity has been uncovered. According to a recent study, 60-75\% of marriages are able to survive marriage affairs.