
How do you tell if your water pump is bad?

How do you tell if your water pump is bad?

If the water pump is going bad, you may hear a grinding sound as the bearing wears away, you may see coolant around the pulley, coming from the impeller shaft behind the pulley, or the weep hole in the pump housing itself.

What are the signs of a bad water pump?

Unusual Sounds. Are you hearing some bizarre noise from the pump?

  • Liquid Outflow. One of these symptoms of a bad water pump is coolant leakage.
  • Smoke Or Steam. The damaged engine,which is near the fan of the pump,creates the smoke or steam coming out of the radiator or hood.
  • Engine Overheating.
  • Abnormal Temperature Gauge.
  • How to test a water pump?

    1) Turn it On and Off. The best way to test anything electric is to turn it off and on. 2) Run the Pump. For this part, test out your pump by filling the pit with water and then letting it run. 3) Check the Drainage. Even the most powerful pump won’t keep your basement dry if the drainage pipes are clogged. 4) Test the Alarm. An alarm does you no good if it does not work. Test your alarm each quarter by holding down the test button. 5) Test the Battery Backup. If your pump system is equipped with a backup battery – or you installed one yourself – it is important to test if it is 6) Remove Particles. Over time small pebbles and other particles of dirt will build up in your pump pit. 7) Check for Corrosion. Pumps with a plastic body can skip this step! Metal means corrosion and damage to the pump body.

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    When does the water pump need to be replaced?

    Water pumps have a long lifespan but it is often recommended to replace them at the same time you replace the timing belt. Most vehicles require that the timing belt be replaced at around 100,000 to 150,000 kilometres. By replacing the water pump at the same time, you reduce labour costs and help prevent unpleasant surprises.