Tips and tricks

How do I get a tech cofounder?

How do I get a tech cofounder?

Make a firm offer. If you don’t have money for salary and/or that person has no outside commitments requiring salary, then propose 50/50 equity split. If you can’t think of anyone, then consider how much harder it is to do a tech startup without a strong technical co-founder and succeed.

Where can I find a technical cofounder? is a popular platform created for startups, investors, and professionals to find each other. Here you can find a technical co-founder, a CTO or experienced developers. The website is very simple, as well as the previous two. All you need to do is to register as a recruiter and post the vacancy.

Do I need a technical cofounder for my business?

You need someone or people with programming skills, but you don’t need co-founders. In fact, many startups built by strong teams failed because of co-founder disagreements and misalignment of interests. Finding a technical co-founder doesn’t necessarily solve the “who’s going to build the product” problem.

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What are technical partners?

Technical partners are meant to enhance technical support and coordination through: Technical support for mapping, monitoring, economics, finance, enabling conditions. Regular convenings to share lessons, tools, approaches and results.

What is a technological partner?

What Are Technology Partnerships? Technology partnerships exist to help organizations implement and optimize their technical systems. These partnerships typically take place between technology vendors who provide the product and the agencies and companies who use these systems in their daily operations.

Where can I find a cofounder for my startup?

Founders Nation is another place where you can find a startup cofounder. It’s not so big but still a platform with similar options like CoFoundersLab. It was built to connect dreamers that wish to make the world a better place through innovation and technology. How to find a technical cofounder here?

How do I find a technical cofounder or partner?

To find a technical cofounder or a partner here you should register and then navigate through a number of threads and also create your own thread describing your business and your needs. Again, it may be a bit difficult to find information because of the structure of the service.

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How hard is it to find a great tech cofounder?

Finding a great tech cofounder can be so hard it feels almost impossible to a non-technical startup founder. For starters, they’re just not a very abundant commodity and probably never will be.

When is the right time to hire a technical cofounder?

If I ask a group of non-technical startup founders, that’s easily their most commonly-asked question. My usual answer is, “How do you know that now is is the right time to recruit a technical cofounder?” Because if you are technical, or already know someone who wants to collaborate with you on your startup, the right time is now.