How do I stop thinking about a guy while studying?

How do I stop thinking about a guy while studying?

So, whenever it is intense, stop everything (Even study) for a few minutes, take a deep breath, close your eyes, think about the day when your study will be the reason to be with him/her. Now open your eyes and also the topic which fascinates you most. Study and understand that very topic, now move on to other.

How can I be obsessed with studying?

  1. 6 ways to make studying and learning as addictive as online gaming.
  2. Focus on the process of learning, not the “end point”
  3. Help students to track their progress on a daily or weekly basis.
  4. Encourage students to explore topics outside the syllabus.
  5. Make group work the norm and individual work the exception.
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What do I do when I don’t feel like studying?

Take short breaks in between your study session to refresh the brain. Eat snacks and relax during the break. Do not immerse yourself in video games or television. Otherwise, it will elongate your break from minutes to hours.

What should we not do while studying?

Below is a list of 10 habits you should avoid when studying:

  • #1. Cramming.
  • #2. Multitasking.
  • #3. Listening to music.
  • #4. Skipping classes.
  • #5. Not making an outline.
  • #6. Using social media while studying.
  • #7. Not actively studying.
  • #8. Being disorganized.

How do I stop unwanted thoughts while studying?

There is no better way to stop unwanted thought while studying than stop multitasking and just try to do only one thing at a time. As soon as a thought comes to your mind, write it down and forget about it. You will go back on track what you are doing.

How can I stop thinking about my girlfriend while studying?

It will help you to bring back your concentration to studies. Use your love as your inspiration and not distraction. Do not avoid talking to her or meeting her once in a while. But, do so after you achieve your study targets regularly.

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Why can’t I stop thinking about him?

Let’s dig right in with the 3 reasons you can’t stop thinking about him… He’s on your mind and in your thoughts – Reason 1: Your brain has been reprogrammed There’s a part of your brain called the “Reticular Activating System.” (RAS for short.) It’s a small bundle of nerves that is basically the traffic cop of your brain.

How do I stop thinking about my crush all the time?

The best thing you can do is to whip out that pencil and your journal and work out what it is that you find so irresistible about him. It’s fun having your head in the clouds, but make sure some part of you is still down to earth… The second thing to do is look at yourself and how you view your status next to this guy in the relationship.